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Gift Your Family A Protection Plan For Diwali
Nov 10, 2021

Buy Insurance : Stay Covered & Safe This Diwali

"Diwali" – This one word which can singlehandedly light up every Indian’s eyes. This one word stands for the one of the most popular festivals in India. People await this festival, planning their holidays and making plans with friends and family. Not just in India, the world over, this is one festival that is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm. This festival has multiple significances and even has innumerable stories behind why we actually celebrate it. On this day, Lord Rama returned home, Ayodhya after a 14 year long exile and the people lit earthen pots and lamps to mark the homecoming of their prince. Rama had just defeated King Ravana and it was a time to celebrate the victory of good over evil. People wore new clothes, painted their houses, cleaned their yards and pathways and cooked mouthwatering sweets and savories. These customs and traditions are still followed till date in so many households, where everybody decides to come together and celebrate Diwali. Ganesha, the god of new beginnings and Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity are worshipped on Diwali. People keep pujas and “havans” at home and consider this day as a very auspicious occasion to buy anything valuable and important. Dream houses, two & four wheelers, jewelry & gold – Diwali is considered as the most auspicious time to make all these purchases. For many it is the perfect time to go on a vacation, everybody can manage taking leaves for a few days. From corporate offices to government workplaces to even schools and colleges – the Diwali week is one time of the year when families and friends come together and cross off items on their travel bucket lists. There is no doubt that for all of us, Diwali is the perfect time to sit back and enjoy. However in all this festivity and celebration, what one mustn’t forget is to stay protected and covered from any kind of mishaps that could happen. Being insured and also insuring your property with a home insurance cover is extremely important. A time like Diwali not only brings with it joy and happiness, but also brings with it- the risks of accidents and mishaps. Road accidents, fire accidents and damages to property, robberies and burglaries, emergency visits to the hospital, mishaps while traveling – any of these could happen and would be more than sufficient to dampen your festive spirit. It is therefore of utmost importance to make sure you and your dear ones stay protected this Diwali. An ideal health insurance cover will not only ensure that your finances and budgets do not get shaken up or drained in the case of any accidents, but will also make sure that you and your family gets the best possible medical aid and support, if required. It is surely a security that one must invest in. Know more about insurance covers and health insurance plans for family and get yourself and your family insured with the best cover!

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  • Psg - October 10, 2017 at 11:00 pm

    Very well put,the cultural significance
    of the festival as well as the importance of security and insurance…
    Easy to assimilate too…

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