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₹1 Crore Health Insurance
Nov 3, 2023

₹1 Crore Health Insurance: Should You Ignore or Consider Buying a Plan Today?

In today's uncertain world, health insurance has become a necessity rather than a luxury. The growing cost of healthcare coupled with infections caused due to new diseases have emphasised the need for a policy. Health insurance can provide financial security and peace of mind, especially during medical emergencies when the cost of treatment can be exorbitant. However, when purchasing the policy, you might get confused as to what is the ideal amount of sum insured. There are insurers in the market who offer health plans worth Rs.1 crore. You might wonder if the policy is worth it. Let's delve into the factors to consider before deciding.

Factors To Consider

There is no denying that health plans have become a need today. Protecting yourself and your loved ones from medical emergencies will always be a priority. However, with the availability of ₹ 1 crore health insurance, it’s feasibility may have to be thought about. The following are the factors you should consider if you are contemplating on purchasing this policy:

Family Requirements

First and foremost, the amount of health plan coverage you need depends on your individual circumstances. If you have a family history of chronic illnesses or are at a higher risk due to your lifestyle choices, a higher coverage amount may be advisable. A health policy worth ₹ 1 crore can offer significant coverage and protect you from the financial burden of expensive medical treatments.

Cost Of Healthcare

Rising healthcare costs make it essential to have substantial coverage. Medical expenses, including hospitalization, surgeries, and specialized treatments, can quickly add up. A policy with a high coverage amount can provide a safety net, ensuring that you receive the best medical care without having to worry about exhausting your financial resources.

Policy Coverage

Another aspect to consider is the availability of comprehensive coverage. A health policy worth ₹ 1 crore is likely to offer extensive coverage for various medical procedures, including critical illness, organ transplants, and advanced treatments. This comprehensive coverage ensures you have access to the best healthcare facilities and treatments when needed, without compromising on quality due to financial constraints. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under health insurance policy.

Inclusion Limit

Moreover, a high coverage amount can be particularly beneficial for individuals with dependents. If you are the sole breadwinner or have a family relying on your income, a substantial health policy can safeguard their well-being in the event of a medical emergency. It provides the assurance that your loved ones will receive the necessary medical care without worrying about financial burdens.

Should You Purchase It?

While the factors mentioned above do highlight the benefit of opting for a policy with such a huge coverage amount, would the policy be really beneficial for you? Here is what you need to understand:


It is important to note that the premium for a health policy worth ₹ 1 crore is likely to be higher compared to policies with lower coverage amounts. Affordability plays a crucial role in determining the right coverage for you. Assess your financial situation and budgetary constraints to ensure you can comfortably pay the premiums without straining your finances. With the help of a health insurance premium calculator, you can get an idea on what your policy could cost on the basis of your requirements.


You should consider your overall health and lifestyle. If you have a healthy lifestyle, maintain a balanced diet, and have no family history of chronic illnesses, a lower coverage amount may be sufficient. However, it's crucial to keep in mind that unforeseen health issues can arise at any time, and it's better to be prepared for any eventuality. A coverage between ₹ 25-30 lakhs can also be sufficient if you and your family members are on the low end of the risk spectrum.

Other Options

Another factor to consider is whether you already have any other kind of health coverage in place. If you have a group health policy courtesy of your employer, it's essential to evaluate the coverage amount and determine if it meets your requirements. In such cases, you may not need to purchase an additional policy worth ₹ 1 crore unless you want to enhance your coverage. However, if you want to purchase an additional policy, you can simply opt for a top-up to increase the coverage of your policy.


In the end, whether you should buy health insurance worth ₹ 1 crore depends on your individual circumstances, financial capacity, and risk tolerance. While the policy does provide extensive coverage, ensuring that you and your family have access to the best medical care without worrying about financial constraints. However, affordability and your current health insurance coverage should also be considered before you decide. Before you renew health insurance, you can discuss with an insurance advisor about this plan and the other alternatives at your disposal.   *Standard T&C apply Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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