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Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma Management
Apr 20, 2024

Breathe Easy: Homeopathic Remedies for Asthma Management

Asthma is a chronic medical condition in which a person’s airways become inflamed and narrow, leading to difficulty in breathing, chest pain, coughs, and wheezing. Currently, there’s no treatment for Asthma; however, some remedies and other forms of treatment can help with the symptoms. While there are many approaches to dealing with asthma, some people prefer homoeopathy. If treated the right way, homoeopathic care may help boost overall health and potentially reduce asthma tendencies. While homoeopathic remedies may ease asthma attacks, it's important to seek emergency medical help in severe cases. If you or anyone near you is experiencing extreme breathing difficulty, paleness, bluish lips, weakness, or is at risk of losing consciousness, then reach out for medical help right away.

Reducing Asthma Symptoms with Homoeopathic Remedies

In homoeopathy, remedies can vary depending on the symptoms and other factors specific to the individual, as explained below:

Arsenicum album

Individuals requiring this remedy may experience exhaustion, restlessness, and anxiety. The person may have intense breathing difficulties while lying down but may feel better when sitting up. Symptoms may often peak between midnight and 2 a.m. and may progress from dry wheezing to a cough that produces a frothy whitish fluid. The person requiring this remedy may be characterised by general chilliness, burning chest pains, and heat in the head.


If the coughing spasms lead to retching or vomiting, Ipecacuanha may be helpful. Wheezing may occur abruptly, often accompanied by a feeling of suffocation and chest heaviness. The person may have trouble coughing, even though there is mucus buildup in breathing tubes. Sweating, clamminess, and occasional worsening due to motion or warmth are typical characteristics of persons requiring this remedy.


Wheezing triggered by warmth or rich food may indicate the need for Pulsatilla. Coughing may bring up yellowish mucus with gagging and choking tendencies. Chest tightness may get worse in the evening and at night but may be relieved in cool, fresh air. Individuals requiring this remedy may display emotional variability and seek attention or comfort. Pulsatilla is usually prescribed for children's illnesses.

Spongia Tosta

During asthma attacks, this remedy may prove to be useful if the person has a "barking" cough. The situation is defined by laboured breathing, a sawing sound, and minimal mucus production. The person may find relief by sitting up, tipping their head back, or tilting forward. Warm drinks may offer comfort. Issues may often be encountered during sleep, notably before midnight.

Carbo vegetabilis

This remedy is indicated when weakness, faintness, and a hollow chest sensation occur. Persistent coughing may lead to gagging; the person may feel a preference for moving air, often beside a fan or open window. Individual characteristics may include digestive problems and they may find relief from sitting up and burping. The symptoms may worsen in the evening.


If the individual is experiencing asthma and has a dry, hard, irritating cough that is worsened by moving air or heightened emotions, they may find relief in Chamomilla. The cough may increase in the late evening and may continue to linger into the night. This remedy may be suitable for individuals who display hypersensitivity, extreme irritability, and agitation.

Natrum sulphuricum

Indicated when asthma attacks occur as a result of exposure to mould and dampness. Holding the chest during coughing due to weakness, wheezing worsened by exertion, and heightened symptoms in the early morning may signify the need for this remedy.

Nux vomica

This remedy may be suitable for asthma attacks characterised by a tense, constricted chest, stomach pressure, and worsened symptoms in the morning. Overindulgence in stimulants (caffeine nicotine, etc.), alcohol, sweets, or spicy food can trigger or worsen episodes. Irritability, impatience, chilliness, and relief from warmth and sleep are notable features of people who may require this remedy. Note that homoeopathic treatment should be complemented with conventional forms of treatment for ideal results. The information presented is not meant to be a substitute for medical advice. Any suggestions mentioned should be considered for general use only. For expert guidance on any health ailment or medical issue or any treatment/procedure, please consult a certified medical professional. Seeking treatment for serious health issues, whether through conventional means or via alternative medicine, may lead to high medical bills. A health insurance plan can offer the financial support needed in such situations.

Health Insurance - For Homoeopathic Treatments and More

Health insurance provides comprehensive coverage for various healthcare needs, including alternative treatments like homoeopathy and Ayurveda.* While homoeopathy may help in the prevention of major health issues, emergencies may still arise. Health insurance provides a safety net by covering in-patient hospitalisation, pre-hospitalisation and post-hospitalisation, daycare procedures, road ambulance cover, and more.* For further protection against major health issues, you can also opt for general insurance plans like critical illness insurance. If your existing plan does not cover homoeopathy, you can upgrade it when you renew health insurance.* Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under health insurance policy. To get an estimate of the premium of a plan before you finalise it, you can use a health insurance calculator.   *Standard T&C apply. Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making any related decisions. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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