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10 Ways To Care For Your Mental Health During COVID-19 Lockdown
Aug 27, 2020

How To Care For Your Mental Health During The Coronavirus Outbreak?

These are dark times. At a time we all sought solace in routine and monotony, something unthinkable happened. Out of nowhere, an intangible coronavirus cropped up and gradually evolved to become a global pandemic. It rattled our lifestyle, shred our goal into pieces, brought in distress and fear and made the entire year uncertain. New routines have started taking over our old ones as we all have adjusted to a new normal. Our homes have become our workplaces, travel has been restricted to morning walks, cravings have turned us into chefs and more. But no matter what we do, what we think or how we look at things, one thing that constantly gets bothered is our mind. With the fear of unemployment, crippling economy, uncertain promotions, contagious virus, deteriorating health and more infiltrating our lives, our mind is constantly taking a hit. The confinements and fear are taking a heavy toll on our minds and that’s why one of the first things we should do is take care of our mental health. It is vital that we prioritize our mental health before anything we do because a sane mind would only help us make better decisions and experience good things. That’s why we felt this post was inevitable. We want you to feel good about yourself and reassure you that things will be better. All you have to do is take care of your mind and the rest would fall in place. But how? There are some effective ways that involve simple steps as well as financial decisions such as buying health insurance to secure yourself. Learn more about them all below:

Talk To Your People

All of us have a few people in our circles who instantly light up our lives. Be it our family, friends, cousins, colleagues or anyone, the moment we hear their voice, everything seems to become normal or tolerable once again. All you have to do is reconnect with such people. Talk to them. Only social distancing is in place due to Covid-19 and not virtual distancing. Use this time to make video calls and connect on social media. If possible, reconnect with a long-lost friend. Maybe you’re the one that’s lighting up their lives during the coronavirus crisis.

Share Your Worries/Problems

Discussing your worries or sharing your concerns is very essential as it either makes you feel better and helps you unburden or fetches you clarity in dealing with it. While you might think you’re the only one going through something. But trust us. You’re not. All of us are and the best way to collectively tackle this is by sharing our concerns and lifting each other up.

Your Physical Health Matters

Emotional and mental wellbeing are also connected to physical wellbeing. The more you take care of your physical health, the less you have to deal with mental problems. Why? Because physical ailment is something you don’t need to add to the list of concerns your mind has to deal with. As coronavirus attempts to pull our health down, use this time to drink plenty of water, get adequate nutrition, get into shape, or do whatever that would complement your health. Walk, eat right, exercise, do yoga, meditate and do more until and even after the Covid-19 situation.

Sleep Well

Remember the times during those intense Wednesdays where we longed to catch up with our sleep after back-to-back meetings? Well, now is the time. Use this Covid-19 lockdown time to develop a healthy sleep pattern and sleep for 8 hours without interruptions. Reduce screen time and sleep in a dark room. Don’t overthink or imagine scenarios that would never happen. Instead, fall in love with your bed and catch up with your sleep.

Limit Media Exposure

From social media to mass media, it’s all about the Covid-19 crisis and the effects of coronavirus everywhere. This has been the case for the last 100 days and the mind has definitely become exhausted. One of the major reasons for this exhaustion is overexposure to media (any form) and constantly getting updates on the Covid-19 pandemic. This brings in paranoia and immensely affects your mental health. Dedicate specific hours to watch the news or read about the coronavirus pandemic. Preferably at the end of the day. This should help you tackle things better. And when you do decide to watch or read the news, ensure your sources are credible and verified. Fake news is something you should completely avoid at this point as they aggravate the existing paranoia inside all of us.

Pursue Your Hobby

All of us who were complaining about the lack of time in our hectic lives to engage in our hobby have comparatively more time now. You could use this Covid-19 situation to pursue your hobby or develop new ones you’ve always wanted to. Write if you’ve always wanted to. Pick that brush and paint. Dance that step or just play that note. Whatever you wanted to do, do this during this coronavirus lockdown.

Have Ambitions

This is also the right time to pause and reflect. Introspect your stand in life currently and visualize where you want and deserve to be. Don’t overthink but just go with the flow. Set goals and create milestones and plans to achieve them. As the Covid-19 situation becomes better, you would be gradually making progress in your goals.

Buy A Coronavirus Health Insurance

We understand that no matter what you do, your mind would consistently come back to the thoughts of you or your people in your circle contracting the Covid-19 virus. That’s why the wisest thing to do would be to get a health insurance for Coronavirus The fear of contracting coronavirus is more because of the expenses involved. However, we would like to share that credible health insurance has been rolled out that covers hospitalization and in-person treatment expenses. With features tax benefits, cashless treatments and more, we highly recommend getting insurance for ultimate peace of mind. Wrapping Up 2020 has been uncertain and chaotic but a little effort and planning from our side can help us find a way amidst chaos and uncertainty. And this post has been about helping you (and us) sail through the hurricane. Together, we could fight the coronavirus and we are doing a good job. All we have to do is help each other out for some more time. We could do this.

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