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5 important nutrients to include in your diet
Sep 4, 2018

National Nutrition Week: 5 Important Nutrient Inclusions For Your Diet

Every year National Nutrition Week is observed in the first week of September. The week is marked with an intent to propagate the importance of nutrients for human body. Proper intake of healthy and nutrient rich food is essential for the growth and development of your brain as well as body. An important point to note here is that, both under-nutrition and over-nutrition are harmful for you. There are severe impacts on your health if there is an improper balance of nutrients in your diet. The most common illnesses associated with malnutrition in India are low birth weight, protein energy malnutrition in children, chronic energy deficiency in adults, micronutrient malnutrition and diet-related non-communicable diseases. The theme for National Nutrition Week 2018 is 'Go Further with Food'. To comply with this theme, you should consider including the following nutrients in your daily diet, which have innumerable health benefits.
  • Protein – Protein is a vital nutrient, which is required by your body for the formation of muscles, hormones, antibodies, and enzymes. Some of the protein-rich food items that you should consume are eggs, fish, meat, beans, pulses, soy, nuts and dairy products.
  • Carbohydrates – Carbohydrates are often criticized and held responsible for causing weight gain. However this is not completely true. Carbohydrates are the main source of energy in your body. They are responsible for maintaining the blood sugar levels and preserving the muscle mass. Some of the common sources of carbohydrates are whole grains, fruits and vegetables, beans, cereals, bread, pasta, rice and potatoes.
  • Fats – Fats or lipids (fats and oils) are the most essential nutrients needed by your body, as they are responsible for storing energy in the cells of your body, absorption of minerals & vitamins, protection of internal organs of the body and blood clotting. Some of the healthy sources of fats are butter, oil, nuts, seeds, avocados and salmon.
  • Vitamins – There are 13 types of vitamins, which you should consume for maintaining a healthy and fit body. Vitamins help you to stay nourished and also lower the risk of getting ill. They are rich sources of anti-oxidants and also help to strengthen your immune system. A well-balanced diet of fruits, vegetables and dairy products are the best sources of various varieties of vitamins.
  • Minerals – Though needed in small quantities, minerals are essential to help your body function properly. They help to improve the rate of metabolism, stay hydrated, strengthen bones & teeth, maintain blood pressure and boost the healing process. Some rich sources of minerals include salt, milk, leafy greens, legumes, seeds, nuts and more.
Besides these essential nutrients, you should also consume a lot of water, as it is beneficial to maintain the body temperature, helpful in regulating digestion and waste removal from your body. While it is up to you to have a balanced diet and maintain a healthy lifestyle, you never know when you might have to grapple with an illness that might confront you. Thus, this year in the National Nutrition Week, we urge you to pledge for investing in a nutrient rich diet along with useful health insurance, to have a safe and protected future for yourself and your family.

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