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New Age Features of Medical Insurance
Sep 9, 2021

New Age Features of Medical Insurance in India

There has been a steady evolution how insurance sector did function once upon a time. At present, it is controlled by the regulator Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI). This regulation has help it to become more accessible to buyers along with modern features. With a rise in the health ailments, either due to lifestyle changes or genetic factors, there has been increasing dependence on healthcare. To combat it, people have resorted to healthy living backed by wellness programmes. However, that does not eliminate the need for you to have health insurance plans. Health insurance plans create a financial buffer to tackle unexpected medical treatments. Different plans are available based on varying needs and suitable for different age groups. Selecting a suitable one is based on your assessment of medical support required. But with myriad health insurance plans offering diverse features, here are some new age features for you to not miss:

#1 Coverage for alternate forms of treatment

There is an increasing preference for seeking alternate forms of treatment for ailments other than allopathy. These other forms of treatment include Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha, Homeopathy, etc. for that reason, the regulator, IRDAI, has set some guidelines in place to include such alternate forms of treatment. So, keep an eye on the plans that include coverage for such alternate forms of treatment. This helps to broaden the treatments that can be sought for different ailments based on your preference.

#2 Facility for medical check-ups

The facility for medical check-ups was earlier restricted to certain policies like group insurance plans. However, that is not the case now. Most insurance companies allow this facility only if certain pre-requisites are fulfilled. This medical check-up is free is some cases and is a win-win for both, the insurance company and you. For insurance company it helps to rightly base the premiums of your policy and for you, it helps to know of any future health situations that might arise. A medical check-up under health insurance plans for family can come handy to keep a tab on the overall health of your family members.

#3 Coverage for at-home treatment

Sometimes, you might be required to avail treatment at home too. This may either be due to unavailability of hospital beds or other factors beyond control. With a domiciliary treatment cover, availing compensation for home treatment is possible. The insurance company pays for such cost of treatment for which treatment could not be availed at a medical facility. Moreover, this feature of your health insurance plan comes handy in light of pandemic where, for a brief period there was a shortage of hospital beds and more and more people opted for treatment at home. Moreover, older people are some who need their family around them during such treatment. At such times, health insurance for senior citizens that offers domiciliary feature can be useful.

#4 Maternity cover

At once opting for a maternity coverage meant shelling out big bucks for it. But some new age health insurance plans include maternity cover bundled as part of it. This coverage includes the various pregnancy related concerns, medical check-ups, post-natal treatment and delivery costs. Some policies even provide coverage for newborn babies up to a specified number of days and even vaccination costs. These are some noteworthy features of health insurance plans to consider while buying one. Apart from the day-care treatment, ambulance facility, restoration benefits, etc are some other features that can enhance your health insurance experience. So, make a smart choice when you purchase one.  Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms and conditions, please read sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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