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The History of Christmas Trees
Nov 22, 2021

What is the Significance of the Christmas Tree?

It’s that time of the year again! What time you ask? Well, the one for gifts, merriment, and warmth in the season of cold white snow. Still unable to guess what we’re talking about. Let us give you another hint. Does this ring any bells? We’re sure it does. We’re talking about the time for Christmas! The good old Christmas tree is one of the most loved and popular symbols to represent this festival. And we’re here to tell you just what the significance of this beautiful tradition is.

The Significance of the Christmas Tree

Symbol of Eternal Life

The Christmas tree is considered as the symbol of eternal life. It is believed that the tradition of putting up the Christmas tree first started in Germany, after which it came to the UK in the 1830s. The legend also has that after the birth of Jesus Christ in the winter season, some of the trees shook off the snow and turned green to mark the great event. Thus, the Christmas tree represents permanence and immortality.

Representing Positivity

The Christmas tree, since ages, is believed to bring cheerfulness, positivity and the spirit of optimism in the otherwise soulless, dull and dreary weather of the winter season. The spirit of not giving up and staying green despite the tough weather conditions represents the positivity that the Christmas tree brings. Also, the sweet scent emanating from these evergreen trees helps you relax and soothe you from the everyday stress.

Customary Decoration

In the early days, people used to decorate the Christmas tree with food items such as gingerbread and apples. But with time the traditions evolved and now the decorations include electric Christmas lights, candies, tinsel, baubles, flashy stars, cut out of many-colored papers, gold foils, silver wires, small dolls like Santa Claus puppets, artificial snowflakes, and the Christmas bell.

Placeholder for Gifts

It is said that Santa Claus brings gifts for children on the Christmas Eve and places the gifts under the Christmas tree. To make this tradition more fun, people bring big trees and decorate them extensively so as to astonish Santa Claus. The Christmas tree is a nice place to gather around and unwrap the gifts. All the festivities cheer you up to a certain extent, however, it is the gifts that you exchange bring out the element of surprise and amusement. This festive season, gift your loved ones something that keeps you in their memories for a lifetime.

The Bottom Line

This Christmas, place your special gift – a gift of unique emotions, under the Christmas tree. This festive season gift something unique - #GiftABetterEmotion to your loved ones. What can be a better way to express your love and care towards your dear ones than by gifting them a sense of security? Visit our website - https://apps.bajajallianz.com/gift-an-insurance/index.html and gift your loved ones a general insurance policy that can take care of their finances in the time of emergencies. Here’s wishing all of you a very joyous and Merry Christmas!

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  • Danish husain - January 9, 2019 at 2:30 pm

    Merry Christmas

  • Mark Traylor - December 24, 2018 at 9:37 pm

    Thanks a lot for the shared article. The significance of the Christmas Tree is valuable. It’s a great pleasure to read your opinion!

  • Samantha Paul - December 23, 2018 at 10:50 am

    Merry Christmas!!

    I will read this to my daughter. She would be very happy to learn about the significance of the Christmas tree.

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