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Debunking 7 Common Myths in General Insurance
Oct 27, 2023

Ways to Control Rising Premiums for Your Home Insurance Policy

Investing in an immovable asset is a major step. Buying a piece of land to build a home or buying a house in a building costs a lot. Due to the nature of the investment, you might want to safeguard it with the help of home insurance. The policy is an important investment that provides financial protection against unforeseen events such as natural disasters, theft, or other damages to your home. However, the cost of this policy can be a significant expense for homeowners. Let’s learn how, as a homeowner, you can buy the policy without having to worry about its rising cost.

How to look for an affordable home insurance policy?

While the rise in the cost of policies to protect your house may be out of your hands, you can adopt some of these tips to shop around for an affordable policy:
  1. Increase Your Deductible

Your deductible is the amount you have to pay out of pocket before your insurance coverage kicks in. Insurance companies include deductibles in their products for the sole reason to deter policyholders from filing small claims. Based on the amount of deductible, the policyholder might not file a claim, thus saving the insurer’s time and money. Choosing a higher deductible can lower your premium because the insurance company is taking on less risk. It is important to remember that if you opt for a higher deductible, you shall be able to afford the amount selected for the deductible. If you are unable to afford the amount at the time of claim, it might cause problems for you in getting compensated by the insurer.*
  1. Maintain a Good Credit Score

Insurance companies often use credit scores to determine the premium amount. Maintaining a good credit score can help you get a lower premium as it shows that you are a responsible and trustworthy customer. Make sure to pay your bills on time, keep your credit utilization low, and monitor your credit report periodically. Any outstanding loans can severely impact your credit score, and in turn might not reduce your policy premium. Getting in touch with a financial advisor might help you understand the overall benefits of maintaining a good credit score.
  1. Make Your Home More Resilient

Making your home more resilient can reduce the risk of damage from natural disasters or other hazards, which can lead to lower insurance premiums. Some ways to make your home more resilient include installing fire-safety measures such as smoke detectors/alarms, fire extinguisher and water sprinklers. These measures are not only essential to tackle fire hazards, but they also help in reducing the premium of your policy. It is important to note that such safety measures can be expensive; create a budget for these expenses accordingly.*
  1. Update Your Home Security

Having a security system installed in your home can deter burglars and reduce the risk of theft, which can lower your insurance premium. Insurance companies may offer discounts for security systems that include features such as motion sensors, alarms, and video cameras. Do keep in mind that these features cost a lot, so spend keeping with your financial limitations in mind.*
  1. Avoid Making Small Claims

Many policyholders often file claims for minor damages. While it may seem like a way of saving money for them, it might also reflect badly in front of the insurer. Insurance companies tend to reject minor claims instantly. The impact of filing minor claims can be felt on the cost of the policy as  filing small claims can increase your insurance premium, so it's best to avoid filing a claim for minor damages that you can afford to pay out of pocket. Instead, save your insurance coverage for more significant events that could have a significant financial impact.*
  1. Review Your Coverage Regularly

The contents of a house are changed overtime; thus, it is important to review your insurance coverage regularly to ensure that you have adequate protection for your home and belongings. You may find that you can lower your premium by adjusting your coverage based on changes in your home value, lifestyle, or risk factors.*


These tips can help you reduce the premium of your insurance to protect your house.  Buying the right policy might take some effort but it's worth it to ensure that you have adequate protection for your home and belongings. You can approach an insurance agent to know in depth about policies for your house, such as burglary insurance which would safeguard your valuables from miscreants. Remember to choose a reputable and trustworthy insurance company that provides excellent customer service and support. *Standard T&C apply Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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