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Nov 15, 2018

Is your home protected for winter season?

Picture this, you wake up to a dreamy morning and feel the cool breeze sweeping your hair across your face, brushing your warm cheeks and making you yearn for a hot cup of coffee. You give a goodbye look to your cozy bed & snuggly duvet and head towards your kitchen. You approach the sink to get water for brewing your cuppa. But all you get is a loud rumbling sound instead of water. You figure out that the frozen pipeline outside your house might be the cause of empty pipes. This upsets you and you lose all your morning energy instead of enjoying the wonderful winter weather. While winter is one of the most beautiful seasons to enjoy warmth and mellowness, it might bring problems like these and cause damage to your home and/or its contents apart from dampening your spirit. Here are some of the most common problems that winter brings for your home, which you must be aware of: Falling tree branches While the cool breeze in the winter season is pleasant, but when it turns to a howling wind, it causes issues like falling of the tree branches. If a branch of a tree, or in some cases the complete tree, falls on your roof/window, it might cause severe damage to your house and/or its contents. There is also a possibility that it might cause bodily injuries. To prevent these losses/damages, you should nip off some of the branches that have grown too big and are likely to fall off, before the winter sets in. Bursting Pipes In winters, the temperature usually drops steeply during the night. This causes the water in the pipes to freeze and eventually expand to burst the pipes. This is a big reason to worry in the winter season as it hampers the daily chores, leads to unnecessary delays and also causes damage to your house. To prevent this, you should carefully drain all the extra water from the pipes as well as cover the pipes with insulation and provide good heat circulation around them. Problems with plumbing Clogged pipes and drainage is one of the major problems encountered in winter season. Clogged gutters might cause leaks in the roof and walls of your home. To prevent this winter problem you should clear out the drainage when the winter season sets off. Also you should follow a proper maintenance hygiene of your home all year round to avoid these problems. Jamming of doors One major issue which people generally face during winters is the jamming of doors, especially which are in direct touch with the outside cold weather like the garage doors. The cold weather causes the garage doors to function inefficiently. You should use proper lubrication for your doors so that they operate smoothly in the freezing season. While all these problems can be fixed, but it is wise to be precautious so that you can avert these issues before the winter season begins. In this winter season make sure to safeguard your home from the expenses related to these winter problems with a suitable home insurance plan. A home insurance plan can provide coverage to your home and its contents against natural and other unprecedented incidents, use home insurance calculator by Bajaj Allianz to calculate premium online.

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