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Be Monsoon-Ready With General Insurance
Sep 30, 2021

4 Must-Have General Plans to be Monsoon-Ready

Monsoon brings a sigh of relief from the scorching summer heat. But this joy can soon turn into a horrid dream in no time. Monsoon in the urban jungle is popular for bringing a host of problems like waterlogging, flooding, thunderstorms, and more. These are some of the reasons for people falling sick, motor vehicles and even homes getting damaged. The list just goes on. In addition there is a rise in the number of insurance claims made during this period owing to the problems that come along with rains. With these four types of general insurance plans, you can ensure an all-round coverage from the various perils of the monsoon.
  • Motor insurance

While the Motor Vehicles Act stipulates the mandatory requirement of an insurance policy, it is only a third-party cover that is compulsory. Since this plan offers limited coverage, it is best to opt for a comprehensive policy that not only offers a broader scope, but also be customised to include add-ons that increase the policy scope. Claims regarding engine damage are quite popular during monsoon, reason being waterlogging and flooding. However, with the help of an engine protection add-on you can be rest assured that your policy provides protection against these damages. Apart from an engine protection cover, the IDV in a comprehensive two wheeler or four wheeler insurance policy comes handy if your vehicle is damaged due to storm, hurricane or other similar perils. * Standard T&C Apply
  • Health insurance

Waterborne diseases are commonly heard of during monsoon. Not just that, vector borne illness like malaria, dengue, Lyme diseases, etc. are on the rise. Treatments for these ailments may be expensive and that’s when health insurance plans come to the rescue. With already mounting mental stress for treatment, you no longer need to bear the monetary stress when you are secured with a health insurance policy. Insurance companies also offer specific insurance plan that insure against these vector and waterborne ailments, especially for the monsoon. A health insurance plan is otherwise also essential and helps mitigate the soaring costs of medical treatments. Considering these benefits, it is another must-have insurance cover to safeguard against monsoon. * Standard T&C Apply
  • Home insurance

Floods are often witnessed during the rains. They not only damage human life, but also property. Homes are one of the victim of floods that call for expensive repair costs. Most home buyers purchase one with their hard-earned money, and any damage can mean financial burden. With a home insurance policy, you can ensure protection against these damages thereby lowering your liability of repairs. Not just the structure, but also its contents are covered if you opt for a plan that offers coverage for it. * Standard T&C Apply
  • Personal accident insurance

Accidents occur at most inopportune times when you are least expecting them. Navigating through a waterlogged street or potholes may result in an injury due to low visibility and slippery conditions. With the defined benefit under a personal accident insurance, disabilities, be it permanent, or temporary are covered by the insurer. This policy may not pay for the treatment cost, but definitely makes up for the loss of income. * Standard T&C Apply With these four general insurance covers, you can tackle the monsoon without having to have a second thought. Be it your home, health or vehicle, all of them are covered. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms and conditions, please read sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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