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Harvest Festival Celebrations
Jun 10, 2021

Celebrating the Festival of Harvest – January 14

India is a land of rich culture and diversity, where people celebrate every festival with equal enthusiasm. January 14th is one such special day, which marks the celebration of the festival of harvest. People in different states of India celebrate this day with pomp and vigor. Celebrating the same day with the same aim but a different name can only be seen in India, denoting the diverse, but still unified, culture of India.


This festival of harvest is celebrated in the Southern state of India – Tamil Nadu. This day here marks the beginning of reaping season and the withdrawal of monsoon season. The celebration involves cooking of a sweet dish made of rice called Pongal, from where the festival derives its name. On this day, people also pay respect to their cattle by adorning them with flower garlands, applying turmeric, vermilion and sandal paste on their forehead.

Makar Sankranti or Uttarayan

Makar Sankranti is celebrated in the western state of India – Gujarat. This day marks the arrival of harvest season. People show their respect to the Sun on this day. The celebration includes flying kites (Uttarayan) since the sunrise, cooking Undhiyu & Jalebi and worshiping the Sun God.


Lohri is celebrated in the northern state of India – Punjab. The Punjabis mark the occasion of the onset of harvesting season on a day before January 14th. On January 14th, people in Punjab celebrate Maghi, which is considered the new financial year for the farmers. The celebration includes flying kites, lighting bonfires, offering prayers to God, bathing in holy rivers, dancing to the tunes of bhangra & gidda and cooking sweet dish Kheer.


It is the chief festival celebrated in the north-eastern state if India – Assam. The celebration of Bihu in the month of January is known as Maagh Bihu. This marks the beginning of the change of seasons. The celebration mainly includes cooking variety of dishes and dancing to the tunes of folk songs. Other regions in India also celebrate the festival of harvest for example in West Bengal, people celebrate this day as Poush Parbon and as Sakraat in the states of Bihar and Jharkhand. Crops are the most precious investment made by the farmers and their primary source of income. But many times their harvest gets damaged due to natural calamities or any other cause. Therefore, Government of India has now launched Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana, which provides agricultural insurance in India. You can visit our website to know more about this policy that has been created keeping the well-being of farmer’s as the main aim.

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