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Extended Warranty Insurance Policy Benefits
Dec 3, 2020

Key Benefits of Extended Warranty Insurance

Buying electronic appliances has become confusing with the myriad options that are available under each category. It requires you to invest significant time and effort, making sure the product you have opted is a perfect fit for you. The best in the class features with top-notch specs is what we look for while buying.   But another important thing that is considered is the warranty on your consumer durable products. Generally, consumer durables come with a warranty of anywhere between three months to five years. After this period, the consumer has to bear any cost of repairs.   Wouldn’t it be handy if your products could be covered for an additional period? Just the perfect way to ensure they operate optimally. You can opt for extended warranty insurance cover.   With extended warranty insurance, all the costs other than the initial purchase price covered by your insurer. Any repairs required after manufacturer's warranty is covered under extended warranty benefits. In a few cases, these products need replacement due to a manufacturing defect which is also covered by your extended warranty insurance.   While the standard manufacturer warranty ensures you are worry-free, the extended warranty electronics insurance is an elite club where you need not worry for service and repairs even after the standard warranty tenure. It makes sure you continue to enjoy the benefits of your product rather staying concerned for the repair costs in case of damage or it turning defunct. The shelf life for electronic devices differs among each category of product.   Let us look at a few benefits of extended warranty insurance -  

Minimal cost

Some consumer appliances involve the use of moving parts. Any repairs or damage to your devices results in hardships and inconvenience. While these are not DIY repairs, you need to hire trained professionals to get them fixed. These devices make sure you can enjoy your chores with the ease of operability. An insurance cover is available at minimal premiums. In other cases, any repairs to them will burn a hole in your pocket. Extended warranty benefits ensure genuine spares are used and are fixed at authorized services centres. This reduces any further cases of breakdowns.  

Comprehensive coverage

Using an online extended warranty facility, you can avail the insurance at your fingertips. This facility provides comprehensive coverage required to repair your appliances. It includes the cost of spares as well as labour charges that otherwise make up for the substantial cost of your device. So to have a hassle-free usage experience, availing extended warranty insurance will avoid inconvenience in future.

Coverage up to Invoice Value

Using extended warranty insurance makes sure you have an appropriate amount of insurance cover, i.e. up to its invoice value, when it needs repairs. Adequate cover that spreads till the purchase cost of your gadget ensures you make the most of its useful life. The only condition is that you need to handle it with care as specified in the instruction manual.  

Flexible Duration

The extended warranty benefits include the flexibility of your insurance cover. These policies are available for durations up to three years. In case you decide to use the appliance for another two years, you can get an additional two year extended warranty insurance. The tenure purely depends on the usability of your products.  

Unlimited Repairs

At times, there are cases where a particular issue for your product is resolved, and a new one develops. Don’t fear at such times. Extended warranty benefits cover the repairs for an unlimited number of times subject to the sum assured amount. This policy ensures you have your product back in pristine condition.  

Country-Wide Network and Door Step Service

Leading insurance companies make sure your products are covered with the extended warranty insurance anywhere across the nation. You need not worry about buying a new extended warranty insurance after relocating. Moreover, for large appliances which are not portable, door-step service is provided in identifying problems and filing for claims. Using extended warranty insurance makes repairs as well as replacements a breeze.   So start comparing the plans using an online extended warranty facility and get a wholesome extended warranty cover for all your home appliances.

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