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Motor Bike Riding Tips for Female Riders
Feb 2, 2023

6 Motor Bike Riding Tips for Female Riders in 2023

Gone are the days when we could only see males riding motorbikes. Today, it has become a common sight to see females riding motor vehicles. Doesn’t it sound exciting? Are you a woman who loves to ride a motorbike? Or perhaps know someone who is an owner of it and loves to ride motorbikes. In this article, we have curated some helpful handy tips for female motorbike riders. Regardless of gender, driving safely and responsibly is important and should not be neglected at any cost. But before you hit on the road, ensure to have a bike insurance policy in place.

Essential Bike Riding Tips for a Female Rider

The feeling of riding a motorcycle is indeed liberating. The security of every rider is prudent so while riding the bike be careful to avoid accidents or any mishaps. In India, third-party insurance is a mandate. Here’s a quick rundown of some important tips for all the female riders:
  1. Drive Abiding by the Laws: First things first! Ensure to have the vehicle registration certificate and valid driving license in place. In case you do not have a driving license, initially, you should at least have a learner's license. Going forward, also apply for the permanent license. Keep a copy of the important documents handy while riding. The documents may include Pollution Control Certificate, registration certificate, and motor insurance policy.
  2. Choose Comfort: A rider should always choose comfort over anything. Riding the two-wheeler at comfort is important for every rider. There are certain aspects that the rider needs to be mindful of like the riding posture, seat height, etc. Anyone who is planning to buy a bike, check the height of the seat. A rider needs to put their feet flat on the ground while being seated on the saddle.
  3. Careful of What to Wear: The market is full of a lot of clothing options for female riders. The female rider should not wear anything too loose. The loose clothes may obstruct the view if the bike is at speed. Wear tight clothes and avoid loose clothes for a comfortable journey. While riding do not overtake or over speed.
  4. Wear Safety Gear: A mishap can occur at any point in time. Ensure to follow the road safety rules, and wear proper safety gear and accessories. You may think gears are expensive but nothing is more important than your life. Wear a properly fitting helmet that covers your face completely. A full-face helmet gives protection to your head and face. In terms of clothes, opt for a leather or synthetic material jacket and pants. Consider buying riding boosts as this help to prevent burns from the exhaust pipe or engine of the bike. Having these will save you from serious injuries.
  5. Don’t Leave Your Hair Open: When riding a bike, ensure that the hair is tied neatly. Untied or loose hair will blow, which may be distracting and risky simultaneously. At times, open hair may also obstruct the face or view which again is extremely dangerous while riding. You also do not have to tie your hair too tight as it may be discomforting. Entail a low ponytail or simply braid your hair keeping in mind comfort and safety.
  6. Comprehensive Bike Insurance Policy: Have a comprehensive two wheeler insurance policy as it offers a cover for the cost of incurred damages in case of an accident, theft, etc. A comprehensive insurance plan also offers cover for any third-party loss. In the times, we are living today buy bike insurance online plans as per your needs. Ensure to renew the bike insurance policy timely to avail of the benefits.
*Standard T&C apply

The Bottom Line

Whether you are an experienced rider or riding for the first time, safety is important in any case. Follow the road safety guidelines and protocols. If you are a new rider, riding a sports bike to start with may not be a great idea. Start your riding experience with dirt bikes. Once you get comfortable, you may then opt for the two-wheeler of your choice. Before heading out on the roads, know the repair expenses involved with the bike parts. We hope that these tips will be helpful for all female riders and ensure a secure journey. Ride cautiously!   Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.  

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