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Electronic Equipment Insurance
Dec 10, 2023

Insights Into Electronic Equipment Insurance Coverage In Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha Commercial Package Policy

When it comes to businesses, there are different industries that they can belong to many industries. Clothing, food or retail, all businesses are reliant on electronic equipment for their day-to-day functioning. Therefore, it is important for such businesses to safeguard such equipment from potential damage which might lead to a potential financial loss. The Electronic Equipment Coverage in Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha Commercial Policy provides coverage for these equipment. Let’s understand more about this coverage and its benefits for your business.

Understanding Electronic Equipment Insurance Coverage

As part of the Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha Commercial Package Policy, Electronic Equipment Insurance Coverage is designed to provide protection for the electronic devices and equipment used by businesses. This coverage extends to a wide range of electronic assets, including computers, servers, medical equipment, manufacturing machinery, office equipment, and more. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under commercial insurance policy.*#

Benefits Of This Coverage

You get the following benefits with the electronic equipment insurance coverage in this general insurance policy:
  • Comprehensive Coverage

This coverage safeguards electronic equipment against a variety of perils, including accidental damage, fire, theft, natural disasters, and more. It ensures businesses are financially protected in case of damage or loss. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under commercial insurance policy.*
  • Repair Coverage

In the event of damage, the policy covers the cost of repairing or replacing electronic equipment, ensuring minimal disruption to business operations. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under shopkeeper insurance policy.*
  • Customisation

Businesses can tailor their coverage to suit their specific needs. Coverage options can be adjusted to align with the value and importance of the equipment
  • Reduced Risk

Addressing the risk of electronic equipment damage or loss demonstrates responsible risk management practices. This coverage is an essential aspect of ensuring the continuity of business operations.*

Significance Of This Coverage For Your Business

The following factors highlight the significance of this coverage in this MSME insurance policy for your business:
  • Protection Of Assets

When your business relies heavily on electronic equipment to run their day-to-day operations, it is important to protect these vital assets to maintain productivity and service quality.
  • Minimizing Financial Risk

Replacing or repairing electronic equipment can be financially burdensome. The coverage minimizes the financial risk associated with such expenses, ensuring your business can recover quickly.
  • Reducing Interruptions

Electronic equipment are the backbone of modern business operations. Ensuring that this equipment is adequately protected allows your business to functioning properly without impacting customer expectations.
  • Peace of Mind

You can conduct the operations of your business knowing that your electronic equipment is secure with the help of this coverage. This assurance allows them to focus on strategic growth and service enhancement.

What Is Covered?

As a potential policy buyer for their business, it is important to get acquainted with what is covered under this coverage. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under shopkeer insurance policy*:
  • Equipment Used For Daily Usage

The electronic equipment used for the day-to-day functioning of the business is covered. This includes the computers used for generating bills, for taking or recording order, and for recording CCTV footage.
  • Equipment Used For Storing Data

The equipment used to store data from the business, such as hard drives and portable drives. It also includes the servers used for connecting devices with the network.

What Is Not Covered?

The following is not covered under this coverage*:
  1. Damage caused due to defective equipment at the time of purchasing the policy
  2. Damage caused due to wear and tear related to the usage
  3. Loss of data due to magnetic fields, faulty programming, or interruption in data transfer.
  4. Injuries caused while handling the equipment
  5. Cost of substitute equipment used temporarily

How to Obtain Electronic Equipment Insurance Coverage

If you are looking to safeguard the electronic equipment used in your business with the help of this coverage, follow these steps in acquiring it:
  • Assess Your Needs

Identify the specific requirements of your electronic equipment, considering factors such as the type, value, and importance of each asset.
  • Contact Your Insurer

Get in touch with your preferred insurer who specializes in Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha commercial insurance.
  • Customise Your Policy

Work closely with the insurer to customise your coverage.
  • Pay The Premium

The insurance provider will evaluate your application, assess your risk profile, and calculate the premium. Once the premium is determined, you can make the necessary payment.
  • Receive The Policy

After paying the premium, the insurer will issue the policy with the electronic equipment insurance coverage, which will outline all the terms and conditions, coverage limits, and any exclusions.


Electronic Equipment Insurance Coverage is a crucial component of the Bharat Laghu Udyam Suraksha Commercial Package Policy. It offers businesses a safety net for their vital electronic assets, ensuring business continuity and financial security. In an era where electronic equipment is integral to business operations, this kind of coverage provides peace of mind and allows businesses to thrive, innovate, and serve customers more efficiently. If your business does not use any electronic equipment but does provide livelihood to many, you can secure it with the help of fire insurance.   *Standard T&C Apply #Visit the official website of IRDAI for further details Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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