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The Role Of Medical History In Travel Insurance
Nov 4, 2022

What Is The Role Of Medical History In Travel Insurance?

If you have recently thought of booking an international trip or have travelled abroad, you may recall that one of the documents to get into place is your travel insurance. For the most part, it is easy to get travel insurance cover. All you have to do is buy a policy that suits you best. But how do you know which policy works best for you? To begin with, most people travelling internationally will require a travel policy that also offers international health insurance. When buying international health insurance , your medical history tends to come into focus. But why is this the case? Can you ignore your medical history and get travel insurance? For the most part, you cannot. At least not when you need a comprehensive plan that you can rely on during your travels. The need for travel insurance Let’s first understand why travel insurance is important. When you are taking a trip, there are a number of risks you may encounter. For example, you may meet with an accident in a foreign country and may require medical attention. Attending to such expenses straight out of pocket can prove to be expensive. Another such situation you may encounter is loss of luggage. In such situations, it is difficult to take care of every detail by yourself, especially if you are alone. Hence, insurance becomes important. Having a policy allows you to take care of the financial aspects of travel risks if you were to encounter any. Moreover, travel insurance can be a necessity. There are several countries in the world that require you to have a travel cover if you are visiting them. Medical history and travel insurance Your travel insurance may have a medical aspect to it. If not, you may choose to get international health insurance that covers you for health emergencies during your travels. If you are a student travelling abroad for education, you may opt for student travel insurance, which also offers you medical cover. Senior citizens may opt for a more comprehensive travel policy. In all these cases, you may note that it is ideal for you to get a health cover that works internationally. When getting such a cover, you may be required to divulge your medical history to your insurance provider. This includes your pre-existing conditions and any health complications you may have experienced in the past. Some providers may also enquire about your family’s medical history to get a better idea of whether you are prone to any risks. In such situations, when buying international health insurance, it is ideal to not conceal any information from your insurance provider, especially when they have requested for the same. Some people believe that there is no harm in not providing complete information to your insurer when buying travel insurance. They may do so to get a better premium rate, or because they may believe that travel insurance is short-term insurance or temporary insurance. * However, it is not ideal to do so. It is best to reveal all information when buying the policy. If you fail to do so, it may increase the chances of your claims being rejected. Moreover, being honest about your medical history allows you to select policies that suit you best. It also allows you to select the right add-ons for your plan, to best suit your needs. Buying travel insurance is an important part of planning your travel. It allows you to stay secured throughout the duration of your travel. To ensure the efficacy of your international health insurance, ensure that you provide all necessary and accurate information about your medical history to your insurance provider. * * Standard T&C Apply Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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