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Reasons for Travel insurance claim rejection
Jul 23, 2020

Travel Insurance Claim Rejected? Here Are 7 Possible Reasons

One of the worst nightmares is the rejection of an insurance claim. This is one of the most dreadful situations in any person's life.

When you have religiously paid the premium for your travel insurance and the claim is rejected when you need it the most, it is truly traumatic. It not only plays a major dampener in your vacation mood but also adds to your financial woes.

Nobody wants to be in this scenario and you can avoid it only when you are aware of the possible reasons for claim rejection.

Reasons why your travel insurance claim might be rejected

1. Exclusion of the Particular Claims

One of the most common reasons why a travel insurance claim is rejected is exclusions. There are hidden exclusion clauses in almost all the insurance agreements. Many times, you are so busy making plans for the travel and packing your stuff that you forget to read the insurance agreements.

There is a list of exclusions right there, which many people tend to overlook. Thus, it is imperative that you read the agreement carefully.

2. Absence of Bills

There must be adequate documents to support your claims. Therefore, it is very important that you submit the associated bills and evidence to substantiate the claim.

Ensure that you preserve the details of bills of each of the medical service providers so that you can produce it when required. Additionally, you must also have the contact details of the doctor and the associated medical service providers for ready reference.

3. Misrepresentation of Medical Conditions

You must never hide anything from the insurance provider. It is essential to declare every detail related to any illness. Hiding any illness can prove to be unproductive when you need to file a claim due to treatment arising out of that illness.

In this condition, you can face rejection of travel insurance claim. Therefore, you must declare your medical condition completely while taking the policy.

4. Indulging in Adventure Sports

You may be an adventure sports enthusiast, but unfortunately, any injury arising because of it is not included in the travel insurance policy. Bungee Jumping, scuba diving, skydiving are some of the adventure sports that many travellers indulge in.

Hence, be very careful while participating in adventure sports, because the possibility of rejection of claims is high.

5. Travelling against the Norms

The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have lists of locations, which are considered unsafe for travel.Therefore, whenever you are making plans for your vacation, you need to go through the list of these forbidden places.

Any claim arising while travelling to these locations will not be considered by the travel insurance companies. It will be rejected even if you fulfil all the requisite criteria.

6. Failing to Report on Time

To avail of the benefits of travel insurance, it is important that the claim is filed timely. In case of an accident, you must visit the hospital immediately or in case of theft/robbery, you must report the incident to the police station.

A documented complaint is very important while filing the claim. If the incident is reported post the 24-hour time span, the claim may be rejected.

7. Not Going to the Approved Medical Centres

There are certain clinics and hospitals that are empanelled with the general insurance company. In case of any medical emergency during your travel, it is advised that you visit the hospitals approved by your travel insurance company.

You must remember the aforementioned reasons before applying for a travel insurance policy so that you do not have face any shocks while filing for a travel insurance claim.

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