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5 reasons why people don't buy health insurance
Jun 17, 2016

5 Frequently Used Excuses To Skip Purchasing Health Insurance

Although the cost of healthcare in India is rising phenomenally, people are still reluctant towards buying a health insurance cover for themselves. According to an article from The Times of India, around 21.6 crore people which is lesser than one -fifth of India’s total population are covered under health insurance.

In this article, we talk about 5 excuses people give for not opting for a health insurance cover.

1.  I am Healthy and Do Not Need Health Insurance

Indeed, you are healthy today. But you are a human after all. People fall sick and need medical assistance. Hence it is better to educate yourself on health insurance meaning and opt for a cover to save yourself from a financial setback in your time of need.

2. Medicines are Cheaper Than Health Insurance

You might save a few bucks by not opting for a health insurance but also note that medical inflation should not be underestimated. According to reports, India is going through a double -digit inflation which means that pre and post hospitalization expenses are on the rise and may prove to be very burdensome in the future. Many people do not realize that sometimes a certain health condition might incur medical expenses that go beyond the ordinary cost spent on medicines. For these times when just the medicines won’t suffice, you need health insurance to take care of your medical expenses.

3. I have a Group Mediclaim Policy. I Do Not Need an Individual Health Insurance Cover

People have a preconceived notion that group medical policies are enough. However, they tend to forget that in today’s times job security is not a given. Also what if you plan on switching your company? Why should you stay uninsured for even the briefest of time? You never know when a medical emergency might pop up. It is important to understand the difference between mediclaim and health insurance and take an individual health insurance plan along with the group plan.

4. I Do Not Have Time

Each one of us is juggling between our professional and personal lives. This continuous juggling does not leave us with any spare time, not even our health. We get lackadaisical and tend to overlook our health.  We tend to forget about the diseases which come along with this hectic lifestyle. Thus we should have a look on health insurance to secure ourselves from any unforeseen condition.

5. I Will Not Get Any Returns

Most people tend to think twice before investing in health insurance as they assume that health insurance policies do not have any returns. Although several policies offer a no claim bonus if the insured does not make a claim during the policy term. This however, should not be the motivation to get yourself a health insurance. Health is more important than securing returns.

Health insurance is thus very important in case you face some medical issues in future. So please don’t make these excuses and get health insurance right away! Do take a look at the  best health insurance plans available.

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