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Boost Your Immunity Against COVID-19 With 3 Practical Tips
Aug 18, 2020

How To Boost Your Immunity Against Coronavirus?

What a year this is turning out to be! Every day is a surprise from Mother Nature. They say reality is stranger than fiction and 2020 is becoming an epitome of this statement. With too much negativity surrounding us, we really felt we should put out some good information that will actually help deal with things around them. That’s why we believed it was really important to share some insights about our immune system and how strengthening it is the only temporary practical way to fight the virus until a vaccine or a cure is formulated. So, we have compiled a few ways to actually boost the immune system that may prevent you from contracting the disease. Also, note that practicing social distancing and maintaining good hygiene are two best ways to prevent the onset of Covid-19. What you are about to read are complementary efforts to taking good care of your health. Let’s get started. The Body’s Defence Mechanism When we say the immune system, we don’t mean one organ taking complete charge of our body’s wellbeing. It is a connected system of organs that work individually and collectively to fight infections and ward off diseases. The mechanism starts right from your skin, airways and mucus membranes, which act as primary barriers to the virus. If the virus manages to make its way deeper, the body automatically starts producing relevant antibodies to prevent the viral infection. How To Boost Your Immunity? Healthy Diet It is indeed true that what you eat defines who you are. In Indian mythology, we also consider the food we intake as medicine. That’s why special attention is given to our assimilation. A healthy, balanced diet is recommended at any given point of time – one that has adequate amounts of nutrition supplements the body needs. Speaking of supplements, you should also note that the sources of these nutrients should be natural. Prescribed vitamins and minerals should be avoided. Makes sure your diet includes – ● Vegetables ● Fruits ● Whole grains ● Fats in salmon or olive oil These show anti-inflammatory properties and help in boosting your body’s immunity. Work Out A healthy body is a blend of nutritious food and extensive exercise. It balances your physical and mental stress and leads you to overall well being. This is not new and you would have heard people telling you or talking about it. The point is to start implementing it. Working out is like getting medical insurance as with lockdown restrictions, the body is exposed to too much slouching and inactivity. If you feel you can’t hit the gym because it is closed or because of social distancing, start working out at home. There are options like ● Skipping ● Yoga ● Meditation ● Spot jogging and more There are also Instagram videos on how you can best utilize things available at home for your workout sessions. Get started today. Adequate Sleep Our eyes are exposed to insane amounts of screen time through work and tasks, television series and music, social media, games and more. Over the last 100 days, we have strained and abused our vision and eyesight and to prevent them from becoming weak, we should ensure they get adequate rest. Sleep early at around 10 PM and wake up at 6 AM. Staying up late scrolling endlessly is only harming your body and ultimately your mind. As an adult, you need at least 6 to 7 hours of quality, undisturbed sleep. Put your phone on silent after 10 at night and don’t let your mind get distracted. Get adequate sleep and you would feel fresh throughout the day. Get Health Insurance Like we said, getting health insurance for Coronavirus is similar to metaphorically boosting your immune system. This prevents unnecessary anxiety and paranoia you are likely to experience during these testing times and assure you peace of mind. There are a lot of coronavirus health insurance plans that have been rolled out for the welfare of people. You can choose the one that meets your budget and requirements and safeguard yourself and your entire family. One such alternative would be the Corona Kavach policy. When everyone at home has health insurance for Covid-19, you can focus on doing other things in your life like work and pursuing your passion. Wrapping Up This is a very temporary instance in our lives and we are sure we will overcome this by all means. Till then, all we need is the help and support of each other. Support yourself by getting health insurance for coronavirus first and then ensure your actions don’t affect the life of anyone else. Follow these steps, practice social distancing, avoid stepping out, eat healthy and we would all be talking about this phase of our life next year.

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