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Boost Your Immunity Naturally Against COVID-19
Nov 25, 2021

Tips To Naturally Increase Your Immunity Against COVID-19

To shield yourself against the malignant COVID-19 virus is the most prioritized need of today. Innumerable online searches are targeting the ways and means to increase immunity for Covid. Apart from the widely applicable covid appropriate behavior, medical experts have also proposed multiple ways to improve the individual immune system. Insurance companies have come up with corona kavach policy and other related health insurance plans as a backup. But all these practices will only prove beneficial when practiced appropriately. You need to be extra cautious if you are suffering from pre-existing medical issues like diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, or respiratory disorder. Also, you are more prone to the risk of coronavirus adverse impact if you are old or are addicted to alcohol consumption and smoke.

How to Boost Immunity Against COVID-19?

The overall idea for boosting immunity sounds enticing. But, it’s not that simple. It requires a perfect balance and harmony of the complete human body. Some measures target changing the spurious lifestyle while others aim at enhancing the natural immune function of the body. While the research for the positive effect of exercise, diet, psychology, age, and other factors on the immune system is still on, we will focus on the below-mentioned measures. These measures, if abided by, will help in nourishing you with natural immunity against disease-causing microorganisms.

1.    Good diet

Your first line of defence comes with a good diet. As a warrior who is preparing to combat the coronavirus disease, you need to fuel your stomach with regular healthy nourishment. If you are diabetic, emphasize consuming a low carb and protein-rich diet. A good diet provides balanced nutrition to your body. It is diet less in sugar, salt, saturated and trans-fat. A balanced diet comprises:
  • Cereals and grains
  • Legumes (lentils and beans).
  • Fresh fruits
  • Fresh vegetables
  • Herbs, seeds, and nuts
  • Food from the animal sources like eggs, milk, etc.

2.    Good sleep

Never compromise with your sleep. An adult needs 7-8 hours of peaceful sleep to rejuvenate his mind and body completely. Lack of sleep might adversely affect the well-being of your immunity level. Studies reveal that people with a lack of sleep are more adversely affected by being exposed to the virus. The sleep quality of the individual also determines the recovery time of the respective individual.

3.    Good hydration

Keep yourself hydrated. Drink a minimum of 8-10 glasses of water daily. When a body is properly hydrated, it flushes out the toxins easily, thus reducing the probability of getting infected by the virus. If drinking a plain glass of water is not your taste, then opt for coconut water or other fresh fruit and vegetable juices to stay hydrated.

4.    Good exercise

Good exercise does not mean that you have to pay the hefty fees of hi-tech gyms. All you need to do is follow a routine, where you exercise according to your stamina. You can opt for 30-45 minutes of brisk walk or at-home exercise. Today there are so many online exercise tutorials for beginners and amateurs. Check them out and start as soon as possible.

5.    De-stress

Stress is like a mental mite that keeps preying on your immunity power. It leads to anxiety. In the extreme medical conditions of stress, medical advice is also required. But if stress is self-controllable, then simply;
  • Practice meditation
  • Practice moderation if you are addicted to alcohol consumption, smoking, or vaping.
  • Explore and practice your healthy hobbies.

6.    Use of immunity-boosting food and supplements

Often our diet does not comprise all the essential nutrients for strong immunity development. In such case or case when immediate immunity boost is needed, we might require the intake of supplements like:
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Zinc

Corona Kavach Policy

While you strive to increase immunity for COVID-19, there are certain external measures too, which need to be taken care of, in case you are declared corona positive. These external measures are the health insurance plans or corona kavach policy that are devised to cover the medical expenses because of Covid infection. IRDAI made it a mandate for all the health insurance companies in India to offer a corona kavach policy to its customers. The policy does cover:
  • Hospitalization expenses
  • Pre-post hospitalization expenses
  • Home care treatment expenses
  • AYUSH treatment expenses


As the battle against COVID-19 is still on, let’s try to practice all the above natural means to boost our immunity against COVID-19. And apart from health measures, we should be smart enough to comprehend the need for financial security against this pandemic fight. Last but not the least, get vaccinated. Stay healthy! Stay safe!      

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