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What Happens When you Skip Meals?
Feb 7, 2019

Top Reasons Why Skipping Meals Is Bad For Your Health

Losing weight has become a serious issue that a lot of people are facing today. People resort to numerous means such as exercising, joining a gym, dieting, taking medicines, skipping meals, undergoing medical procedures and other not-so-safe ways to reduce weight and get a thinner body. While some of these methods might work well for you, others might prove harmful. Also, there are only a few people who follow these methods correctly and lose weight effectively. Losing weight and becoming fit needs a proper balance of diet and physical activities under professional guidance. The inactive lifestyles of people have led to many problems. People as young as 30 years old are diagnosed with severe illnesses such as diabetes, high cholesterol levels, heart issues, obesity, lethargy etc. With weight gain, people succumb to complications such as inability to move or exercise. Thus, they try different variations of dieting to lose weight. The most common approach they take is skipping their meals, with an assumption that it will reduce their calorie intake and eventually reduce their weight. But how far is this true? Nutritionists suggest that skipping meals once in a while is not likely to cause any harm. However, if you skip meals on a regular basis, it will definitely have negative effects on your health. The food you have ultimately gets broken down into 3 major components – Carbohydrates (Glucose), Fat and Protein. Glucose is an important component that your body needs, as it is the driving force of the brain. The brain uses glucose to function effectively. But, when you start skipping your meals regularly, your blood sugar begins to decrease, which causes the brain to become slightly dysfunctional. Thus, lower sugar levels can make you grumpy, moody and exhausted. While many of you believe that skipping meals will help you lose weight, ironically, it leads to weight gain. The lower sugar levels in your body lower the metabolism rate in your body. This leads to lower energy levels as well as the accumulation of unnecessary fat in your body. If you skip meals for a long period of time, your craving for food increases and you tend to eat more, when you have your next meal. Thus instead of decreasing the calorie intake, there is a good chance that you might overeat. Besides following these unguided and unproven ways to lose weight, there are many other leading causes of obesity like lack of exercise, unhealthy food habits, sedentary lifestyle and stress. So, skipping your meals on regular basis is not a very good idea to cure obesity. You should consult a well-trained dietician and a proficient doctor, who can help you to be fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle. You can check out various online health insurance products on the Bajaj Allianz website.

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