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Cyber Security Insurance
Jul 21, 2020

Cyber Security From Several Cybercrimes

Did you know that there is a cybercrime taking place every 10 minutes in India? Well, it's true. The Norton Cyber Security Insights Report 2016 also states that at least 49% of India's online population (that's over 115 million Indians) are affected by cybercrime. There are several cyber insurance plans available in the market, experts say to opt for the ones that are designed specifically to cover individuals against potential cyber threats and risks. One must get a good understanding of the cyber insurance coverage available before buying a plan. Some of the most common forms of cybercrimes include: Identity Theft Identity Theft is when your personal information - like your name, email address, credit card information, Aadhaar card details, photos etc. - is stolen and used by someone else for financial gain or to undertake illegal/unethical activities under your identity. Cyber Stalking If you are being harassed or threatened or constantly made to feel uncomfortable by someone online or through the use of electronic communication, then you are being cyber stalked. A survey undertaken by Norton showed that over 65% of online users under the age of 40 reported online abuse and threats. Cyber Extortion Cyber Extortion is nothing but a case of online blackmail. It is when someone threatens to compromise your system or data and offer to stop the attack in return for money or other services. This also includes Ransomware attacks. Email Spoofing Email spoofing is a reference to the emails that are sent representing a company/organization but are, in reality, fraudulent. These emails look authentic and are designed to trick users into taking actions that will benefit the fraudster - either by extracting sensitive information or infecting the users system with viruses etc. Phishing Phishing is a form of spoofing that can be messaging in any form, not just an email. The message will redirect you to a fake website where you could be asked to enter sensitive information, which the fraudster will then use to his own advantage or to cause you damage. IT Theft Loss As the name suggests, IT Theft Loss refers to the financial loss which is a direct result of any unauthorized or illegal intrusion in your system. This happens when your funds are illicitly transferred as a result of hacking or other such cyber intrusions. Malware Short for 'malicious software', Malware is any software that is created with the intent of causing damage to data, devices or people. This could include viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, ransomware etc. They are developed in a way that allows them to execute/install themselves on the host system without the knowledge of the user/owner and are delivered via spam links, emails and as a part of your download files. Data/Privacy breach People on the online space are always at risk for data or privacy breach. This happens when someone gets access to your data illegally or intrudes on your online privacy without your permission. Media liability When you are held legally responsible for issues arising from unlawful or unauthorized broadcast of any digital content - posts, videos, audio etc. - created by you that is a result of a cyber-attack on your system, you have become involved in an online media liability dispute. These are just some of the most common cyber risks, but the internet is filled with thousands of such honey traps, click baits and other online scams. It is not always possible to prevent these cyber-attacks, no matter how safe you think you are, or how many firewalls you have. It is a good idea, therefore, to try and minimize the impact of these cyber risks by getting yourself insured. Click here to explore more about general insurance plans offered by Bajaj Allianz and stay protected against the financial risks by getting yourself insured.  

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