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Beware Of Fraudulent Messages On Social Media
Jun 1, 2021

Beware Of Fraudulent Messages On Social Media During Elections

Election is a major event in any country of the world. With digital advances and the worldwide growth of the internet, social media has become a very strong medium to convey, display and circulate the numerous opinions that people perceive about this social event. While many people use social media carefully and responsibly, there are some mischievous elements that misuse the power of social media and spread fraudulent messages and rumors about the events happening around the globe. It is very important that, as a responsible citizen and an aware netizen, you should be vigilant to spot these fraud messages and help curb the spreading of the rumors. Fake news, morphed images and edited videos are the main forms of spreading negativity. These mediums stir people to stage protests and become violent. Here’re a few tips that you can use to beware of the fraudulent messages on social media and not be a part of the roguish gang in spreading the same.
  • Identify the source of the message – You should not believe everything that is being circulated on social media. Cyber-criminals use content (quotes, messages and photo-shopped pictures) to spread false news. This is done to manipulate the voters and influence their perception during the election period. You should always verify the source from where such messages are being sent and only after accurate analysis you should interact with such content.
  • Do not click on suspicious links – Your account might get hacked if you click on unsolicited links that you receive on your mails or other social media accounts. You can also become the victim of cyber-attacks such as phishing and cyber-extortion. You should check the privacy settings of your account and keep yourself protected from any kind of exposure to cyber threats.
  • Do not forward aggressive messages – If you find any post aggressive, you should refrain from posting the same via your social media account. If the sender of such messages is someone you care about, you should help them understand the consequences of spreading such hostile and false messages.
  • Beware of fake accounts – You might see an increase in the number of friend requests that you receive on your social media accounts. These accounts might seem familiar, but they can be bots/fake accounts having very less number of followers, no mutual friends and no profile picture. Cyber-criminals create such accounts to spread rumors and misinformation during the time of elections. You should immediately report such accounts and reject the request received.
  • Think before you act -- You may receive a message on your social media, which might resonate with your political views. But, this does not mean that you should believe that instantly and share it on social media. There are special police squads to counter this kind of nuisance and you might end up behind the bars if you do not think preemptively.
Social media is a very powerful tool to stimulate and channelize your thoughts, but there are people who misuse this medium and create a tense situation. We urge you to be careful when you come across posts such as unverified advertisements, hate speeches, fake news, edited videos & photos and offensive memes. Also, to protect yourself in this digital world you should purchase a cyber insurance policy. Bajaj Allianz’s individual cyber safe insurance policy helps you to be safe when you are online. Visit our website Bajaj Allianz General Insurance to know more about features and benefits of benefits of cyber insurance policy.

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