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Here's why you should buy a health plan before going into your thirties
Apr 15, 2015

5 Benefits of Investing in Health Insurance Before Your 30’s

In today’s world, when treatment cost are rising every year and there have been advancements in new medical technologies in diagnostics and operatives, the cost of treatment has increased manifold over the years. In many cases, people admitted in hospital for a chronic disease such as cancer, liver cirrhosis (liver failure) or chronic kidney disease, end up losing not only their own saving but also the savings of the entire family. For example, when Delhi was under the grip of swine flu, one of our insured, unfortunately, contracted the disease. Her bill went up to approximately 20 lakh. Without the backup of insurance policies, she would have need to sell his house to pay the hospital bills. In this article, we list some of the key reasons for buying health insurance early. Avail the Best Treatment Numerous corporate hospitals have sprung up, even in the smaller cities in India. These hospitals offer the best in class treatment, even in tier 3 cities. They offer facilities such as deluxe, VIP or president suite rooms, helicopter ambulance facility, latest operative techniques like robotic arms, stitch-less surgery, Pin Hole surgeries, etc. These facilities, in turn, have increased the cost of treatment exorbitantly. To avail the world-class treatment with the best of facilities and all the luxuries, people belonging to the middle and upper class should take health insurance. So when the person, who is getting admitted in hospital has health insurance with higher sum insured, possibly more than 10 lakh, he can enjoy the best of the room facilities. There are many health insurance that offer OPD facilities, such as Health Care Supreme from Bajaj Allianz. With these high OPD plans, you can avail up to Rs.25000 of OPD treatment in a year without any issues. Avail Benefit of Alternate Therapies With health insurance, you can enjoy the benefits of alternate treatment such as Ayurveda and Homeopathy. Many people prefer Ayurveda and Homeopathy treatment at OPD level. However, to avail alternate treatments, they need spend money out of their pocket. With newer insurance plans, such as Bajaj Allianz Health Care Supreme, these expenses are also taken care off. You can enjoy alternate treatment anywhere in the country. Get Tax Saving Benefits Tax saving today has become necessary to avoid paying heavy taxes if you are in higher income slabs. You can save taxes while buying health insurance with deductions under sec 80d of the Income Tax Act on the premium paid. Get Loyalty Benefits When you buy a policy with an insurance company early on, you become a loyal customer with that insurance company as time passes. Companies start considering you as their priority customer, especially if you haven’t claimed for a long period of time. This allows you to enjoy a number of benefits. For example, when you file for claims, they are settled on priority. Get Wellness Benefits Wellness benefits are a game changer these days for many insurance companies. The focus is on wellness activities for the clients such as holding health checkup camps by teaming up with big brands, offering free Yoga classes and a bouquet of facilities at highly discounted price such as gym membership, Panchakarma treatments, dental treatments, doctor on call, etc. Check out the different types of health insurance in India and find the best cover that suits your individual needs. This article was authored by Dr Jagroop Singh, ILM-Health at Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Co. Ltd. 

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  • Rajendra - April 23, 2015 at 6:54 pm

    Informative article on health insurance

  • Riddhima - April 23, 2015 at 6:17 pm

    That’s quite a lot of info..but it’s presented in a really easy manner!

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