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Top 5 Coronavirus myths busted
Sep 14, 2020

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Myths: Top 5 Myths About the Pandemic Debunked

Coronavirus disease or COVID-19 is spreading at an alarming rate and so are the rumors associated with it. Most of us have received numerous forwarded messages and videos that talk about the causes and cures of coronavirus. While, some of them are correct, but, there are some rumors that are false and can create panic if believed to the core. Here we have debunked the top 5 myths about the pandemic – Coronavirus.
Myth Fact
Cold weather can kill the coronavirus. People have been affected by coronavirus all over the globe, irrespective of the weather conditions they live in. There is no evidence suggesting that cold weather can kill the new coronavirus. The only way to remain safe from this disease is to regularly clean your hands with alcohol based soap/hand rub and water.
Taking hot baths can kill the coronavirus. Taking hot baths cannot kill the coronavirus. However it can harm you as it might cause skin burns. Washing your hands frequently with alcohol based soap/hand rub and water is the best way to stay protected from the novel coronavirus.
It unsafe to accept letters/packages from China. You can accept packages from China without the fear of contracting the coronavirus disease. A study suggests that coronavirus does not survive long on objects like packages or letters.
Cats and Dogs can spread coronavirus. It has been observed that the transmission of the coronavirus has been only from human to human. Cats and dogs do not spread the infection and they are not the drivers of outbreak of COVID-19.
Mosquito bites can spread coronavirus. Coronavirus spreads if a healthy person comes I contact with a person having COVID-19. The droplets, produced due to coughing and sneezing from the infected person spread the disease. The coronavirus cannot be transmitted by mosquito bites.
A few other myths about the coronavirus are:
  • Antibiotics can kill coronavirus.
  • Hand dryers help to kill the coronavirus.
  • Frequent consumption of alcohol can protect you from contracting the coronavirus.
  • You can get infected by coronavirus by eating Chinese food.
  • All people infected from coronavirus will surely die.
We hope that you remain safe from coronavirus and stay away from all the myths going around. We request you to not believe on any myths and spread them without verifying their trusted source. While this pandemic is already creating a panic among people, a false information can add to the worries. Having a well-prepared insurance plan is one way to be worry-free, as it can safeguard you from the financial burden that comes along with hospitalization. Visit our website to get yourself and your family members insured with the best suited health insurance. Hope you and your dear ones remain safe and healthy during this pandemic!

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