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Make Health Insurance Policy Omicron Ready
Jan 12, 2022

How to Make Health Insurance Policy Omicron Ready?

The world is coming to terms with another variant of COVID-19 that is speculated to be highly mutated and transmissible at this point. As things have become slightly uncertain for the time being, the safety measures are being reassessed to ensure optimum protection. It is important to understand that we should not put our guard down anytime soon. While we are gearing up to battle Omicron and related consequences, remember the safety shield needs to be leveled up. The second wave of COVID-19 was disheartening & it indeed gave us some major life-long lessons. It's time to measure up and try to minimize the aftermath.

Why Health Insurance?

In the times of COVID-19, most of us understood the importance of health insurance policy, and a tectonic shift was also witnessed. Undoubtedly in the last couple of years, the demand and awareness in regards to health insurance have been significant. If you already have health insurance in its place, it's time that you re-evaluate it. It's always good to be safe than sorry. You should ask yourself only one question. Is my health insurance coverage enough to protect me from any adversity? If not, do not panic. Read ahead and have answers to all your apprehensions.

Here's How to Make Health Insurance Plan Comprehensive?

Make your health insurance plan more comprehensive to protect yourself and your family against the omicron variant.

COVID-induced Diseases Cover

As a person ages, there are chances of being prone to various diseases considering the lifestyle we lead these days. In case anyone has been tested COVID positive, there are more chances of being prone to such illnesses even after you are cured. You also need to shield yourself from various other complications such as black fungus. There are chances that diseases like these might lead to hospitalization. As of now, more information is yet to come out in regards to Omicron. It becomes imperative to stay secure against health ailments lying underneath COVID-19 by choosing comprehensive health insurance coverage.

Opt for a High Sum Insured

When it comes to medical insurance it is important to take into consideration the aspect of medical inflation. Remember, the second wave of COVID-19 still gives us goosebumps. Hence, ensure that the sum insured amount is sufficient to meet the uncalled medical emergency expenses. Let not the expenses deplete your hard-earned savings. So, if your health insurance plan is up for renewal, select a high sum insured that meets all your requirements.

Choose Add-on Riders

Riders are additional benefits that enhance the policy coverage by paying a nominal health insurance premium. Check whether your existing health insurance plan covers consumables or not. Consumables are medical aid items that can be discarded after a single-use. These include masks, syringes, gloves, PPE kits, etc. Adding a rider for this, or critical illness rider helps you pay the hefty medical bills. Remember, choose a rider benefit if it is important and suits the necessities.

Look for Claim Settlement Ratio

Claim settlement is of utmost importance both for the insurer and the insured. Before you finalize the insurance company, do check the claim settlement ratio of the company. Moreover, make it a habit of reading the terms and conditions carefully. Before you sign below the dotted lines, ensure that you are clear with the ins and outs mentioned in the policy document.

The Bottom Line

It is too early to comment on the Omicron variant as every day there is new information coming up and the research is going on. Make an informed decision and learn from the lessons of the past. We are preparing to combat Omicron and the related ramifications. Do not forget to strengthen your prudent defense against it that is health insurance policy.

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