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Tips for a Comfortable & Safe Vaccination Process
Nov 25, 2021

Tips For a Safe And Comfortable COVID Vaccination Procedure

Amidst the fear of an even deadlier third wave of Covid-19 lurking around the corner, the only way we could protect ourselves and those around us is through proper vaccination. Not just one but both the doses. Even after getting the jabs, it’s on us to keep wearing masks, step outside only if it’s absolutely necessary and maintain adequate social distance at all times. Only such actions and intentions will curb the spread of the virus and ensure our livelihoods remain least affected. So, if you’re reading this, we believe you’ve done your online vaccine registration and are looking for more information on how the process would go at the center. We’ve got you covered in this exclusive post on the vaccination process. Let’s get started.

Best Practices For A Smooth Vaccination Process

Scheduling An Appointment

One of the first things to ensure a smooth process is doing your online vaccine registration. We have covered this topic extensively in another post. Depending on your preference, you could register for a vaccine dose on the CoWin website, Aarogya Setu app or even Umang app. These platforms allow you to select a center of your choice and schedule an appointment for booking on your choice of day and time. The portals also give an idea on the vaccine each center has - if it’s Covishield, Covaxin or Sputnik. To give you a better idea on appointment scheduling best practices, here are some hacks:
  • Most of the slots across vaccine centers open in the evening or night. So, when you access a portal to schedule an appointment in the evening, you’ll have a higher chance of making a reservation.
  • Public and private centers both follow all the required Covid-19 protocols. You can choose any center accordingly.
  • When looking up nearby centers, try searching for one using the search by district filter. Filtering using your pin code can lower your chances of finding a vaccine center as your nearest vaccine center might fall under a different pin code.
  • You could also use 3rd party apps like Paytm, RedBus or Under45 to get instant notifications on vaccine slot availability if you don’t want to keep accessing portals to check availability.

At The Center

Getting a vaccine or an injection, in general, could be an anxious moment even for adults. So, preparing in advance mentally and physically will let you have a smooth day. Here are some ideal practices.
  • Have the documents you need ready in advance. This will be your government-approved ID proof such as your Aadhar Card.
  • Also download your confirmation email or message offline if in case the internet connectivity at the centre premises is weak. Carry a pen to avoid unnecessary contact with objects as well.
  • Get a sound sleep the previous night and ensure your body is adequately rested. Also, eat well before you step out to get your vaccine. The vaccination process is a lot smoother thanks to this.
  • Double mask yourself and wear disposable gloves. Carry a hand sanitizer with you and maintain hand hygiene.
  • Reach on time if you want to avoid waiting for your turn in case you missed it.
  • Wear comfortable clothes - those with loose sleeves as they help healthcare workers inject your dose and assist in letting your hands be free after your vaccine jab.

Post Vaccination Practices

Your healthcare workers will tell you everything you need to know about bodily reactions to the vaccine and suggest painkillers and remedies as well. Ensure you pay attention to what they say and follow them. Everybody reacts differently to the vaccine and chances are that you wouldn’t feel any effect at all. This is perfectly normal as well. Paranoia or anxiety in any case doesn’t help. Post your dose, avoid consuming alcohol or tobacco. If you have some other regular medications to be had, consult with your doctor beforehand.

Wrapping Up

Getting vaccinated is an important responsibility for all of us at this crucial point in time. The steps discussed here will help you have a smooth day at the center. Once you’re back from getting vaccinated, take up a health insurance plan as well. The pandemic arrived unannounced and having health insurance lets you seamlessly tackle unforeseen events. Having a health insurance plan is like getting a vaccine for life.

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