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Sep 10, 2024

Why Does a Family Health Insurance Plan Need a Timely Re-evaluation?

If you want to care for your family's health, a family health insurance plan is an important financial measure. However, it requires regular observation, just like any investment. This article explains why reconsidering your family's health insurance coverage is important. Regularly reviewing your coverage is essential for various reasons, including changing family dynamics, increasing medical expenses, and financial goals. Understanding these factors can help you protect your family from unexpected medical bills.

Changing Family Dynamics

Addition of New Members 

Marriage or having a child are significant life events that require reconsidering your family health insurance plan. Adding new family members to your plan ensures everyone in the family is insured and simplifies managing your insurance. Example: If you are recently married or had a baby, you must include your spouse or child in your existing policy to extend the coverage.

Ageing Parents 

As your parents age, their healthcare needs increase. Including them in your family’s health insurance can provide peace of mind, ensuring they receive timely medical attention without financial strain. Example: If your parents are above 60, consider policies offering higher coverage for senior citizens for coverage-related ailments.

Inflation in Medical Costs 

Rising Healthcare Expenses 

Medical inflation in India is on the rise, with the cost of treatments and hospital stays increasing yearly. What seemed like adequate coverage a few years ago might not be sufficient today. Regularly comparing health insurance policies can help you find one that offers better coverage at competitive rates.

Technological Advancements 

Advancements in medical technology, while beneficial, come at a higher cost. More expensive treatments are becoming commonplace, necessitating higher coverage to keep up with these changes. Example: Ensure your family health insurance covers advanced procedures like robotic surgeries or specialised cancer treatments.

Policy Updates and Benefits

New Features and Riders 

Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company regularly updates its policies to offer new features and riders, such as enhanced coverage options, wellness benefits, or critical illness add-ons. Stay informed about the latest features in private health insurance and evaluate whether adding these riders to your existing policy could offer better protection for your family.

Network Hospitals 

The network of hospitals associated with your insurer can change over time. Re-evaluating your policy ensures you have access to a wide range of cashless mediclaim policy for family benefits at hospitals near you. Example: If your preferred hospital is no longer part of the insurer's network, it might be time to switch to another provider offering a more extensive network.

Changes in Income and Financial Goals 

Increased Income 

With increased income, your ability to afford higher premiums also increases. Upgrading to a more comprehensive family health insurance plan can provide better benefits and higher coverage limits. This enhancement ensures that all family members are well-protected against unforeseen medical emergencies without compromising the quality of care. Example: If you received a significant salary hike, consider upgrading from the cheapest health insurance to a broader coverage plan. For instance, if you were previously covered under a basic plan with limited hospital network access and lower sum insured, moving to a premium plan might offer you access to a wider network of hospitals, higher sum insured, and additional benefits like cashless hospitalisation, preventive health check-ups, and wellness programs. This upgrade secures better healthcare and aligns with your improved financial capacity, ensuring that high-quality medical care is accessible when needed.

Financial Planning 

Family financial goals can evolve over time due to various factors such as children's education, home loans, retirement planning, or other long-term investments. Reevaluating your health insurance ensures it aligns with your current financial planning and provides adequate coverage without overburdening your budget. Conduct a yearly review of your health insurance as part of your overall financial planning to ensure it complements your long-term financial goals. This process involves:

Assessing Your Coverage Needs:

Check if your insurance coverage is enough to handle growing medical costs and expected health risks. If your family has grown or circumstances have changed, you should consider upgrading your coverage.

Comparing Policies:

Do not settle for just any health insurance. Search around and compare health insurance policies to get the best value. Look for plans that cover more than just hospital stays, such as medical visits, maternity expenses and related complications and major critical illnesses. Your insurance should improve in parallel with your means of life.

Budget Allocation:

Make sure the cost of health insurance is within your annual budget and does not clash with your other expenses. Choose a plan that provides the coverage you require without burdening your budget.

Tax Planning:

Under Section 80D of the government's tax code, purchasing health insurance lowers your taxable income. The more you spend on health insurance premiums, the more you may save in taxes. This is a great way to balance your finances and maintain your health.

Government Regulations and Tax Benefits 

Regulatory Changes 

Health insurance regulations in India are subject to change. Staying updated with these changes can help you optimise your policy benefits. Recent IRDAI guidelines have made health insurance policies more consumer-friendly, with standardised exclusions and coverage terms. Re-evaluating your policy ensures compliance with these new regulations.

Tax Benefits 

Health insurance premiums offer tax benefits under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. Reviewing your policy can help maximise these benefits. Action Step: Consult with a tax advisor to understand how best to structure your family health insurance to take full advantage of tax deductions. A family health insurance plan is a dynamic tool that requires regular re-evaluation to remain effective. Changing family dynamics, rising medical costs, policy updates, changes in income, and government regulations all play crucial roles in determining the adequacy of health insurance. By regularly revisiting and updating your family health insurance, you ensure that it continues to meet your family's needs, providing comprehensive protection and peace of mind.     *Standard T&C Apply Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale. Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making any related decisions.

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