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5 practical tips for your heart's health
Sep 26, 2018

5 Active Measures to Keep Your Heart Healthy

World Heart Day is an event that is observed every year on September 29 since the year 2000. The day is marked to raise awareness about cardiovascular and heart diseases, which have become world’s number one killer today.

This year the theme of World Heart Day is “MY HEART, YOUR HEART”. This is in-line with making a promise to take care of your heart and the hearts of your loved ones. This is also meant to encourage the cardiology professionals to dedicate themselves further in taking care of all our hearts. What should you promise to your heart on this World Heart Day to keep it healthy?
  • Get more active – On this World Heart Day, promise your heart to keep it healthy by getting more active. You should make a promise to exercise regularly, take a brisk walk for at least 40 minutes, start jogging/running and do yoga exercises. Getting active not only helps you to stay in shape but also keeps your heart healthy. The results from a study conducted in 2014 showed that a few minutes of running each day can lower the risk of cardiovascular fatalities by 58%.
  • Say no to tobacco – Consumption of tobacco in any form is injurious to your health. Statistically, the consumption of tobacco accounts for 6 million deaths every year. The chemicals present in tobacco, like nicotine, damage the heart and the blood vessels, causing an increase in heart rate and blood pressure. Thus, make a promise to quit tobacco use on this World Heart Day.
  • Eat healthy food – Make a promise to keep your heart fit by eating more healthy food. It is recommended that you eat healthy food items like green vegetables, fish, salads, fruits, nuts and consume less SOS (Salt, Oil and Sugar). Eating healthy keeps you enthusiastic, cheerful and light headed. This heart-healthy diet also takes care of your heart by lowering the cholesterol levels in your body.
  • Improve quality of life – Stress and tension are common problems in today’s generation, which are also the causes of heart related diseases. It is said that chronic stress increases the heart rate and blood pressure, which is harmful for your heart. Make a promise on this World Heart Day to implement relaxation techniques such as breathing exercises and meditation to reduce the stress levels, which in turn can improve the quality of your life.
  • Take medicines on time – There are many people in the world who are suffering from one or the other heart related diseases. There are many who have undergone some surgical process or have been advised by their doctors to take medicines on regular basis. These people should make a promise on this World Heart Day to follow their doctor’s advice and to take the prescribed medicines on time.
How can you celebrate World Heart Day? World Heart Day aims to spread awareness among people to know about the heart related diseases and the means to take care of your heart. You can do the same by illuminating the buildings and regions near you in red, by organizing events to raise awareness about CVD, heart diseases and stroke, sharing fact-sheets, arranging social media campaigns to promote the cause of World Heart Day and making a promise to take care of your heart and the hearts of your loved ones. While you keep all these promises, make an additional promise to purchase a suitable medical insurance policy that can take care of your finances and avoid the stress due to unforeseen health care expenses.

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