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Everything About Omicron COVID-19 Variant
Dec 21, 2021

All You Should Know- Omicron COVID Variant

Omicron has garnered attention globally. Recently, the WHO has classified omicron as a variant of concern. We are also witnessing a daily rise in the number of cases across the country. The Omicron variant of COVID-19 is highly transmissible. It is indeed driving a surge in unprecedented times. In this article, we have covered every important detail in the Omicron COVID variant.

What is the Omicron Variant?

The omicron variant of COVID-19 is indeed a variant of much concern. As per WHO, it has various mutations that impact its behavior. Omicron has been significantly spreading when compared to the delta variant. As of now, the overall risk with this new variant is on the higher side.

How Did the Omicron Variant Develop?

Whenever the virus circulates widely and causes infections there is a high chance that virus mutation is increased. Now more the virus spreads, the more chances of it changing. We should not forget that we are still in the middle of a pandemic and that is still not over yet. All of us need to be vaccinated, follow the protocols and take all precautionary measures in the long run. Most of the countries have been impacted by omicron.

Is Omicron Severe Than COVID-19?

As of now, omicron should not be only dismissed as mild. An increased transmission will lead to hospitalizations. This can cause an increase in the strain on all the frontline workers and the healthcare systems. This could result in more demises. Let us not forget that any variant of COVID-19 can cause a severe ailment that could sometimes also lead to death. Even, the delta variant is dominant. Hence, preventing the virus spread and reducing risk exposure is vital.

Is Omicron More Contagious?

Yes, the omicron variant is contagious. So, it is important to be completely vaccinated and follow all the advisory and protocols suggested by the government and WHO. Wear a mask whenever you are in a crowded place. Use sanitizers from time to time and follow social distancing. These would help us to prevent its spread and adhering to these practices will be effective against any variants.

Symptoms of Omicron

The person infected with the omicron variant has symptoms similar to that of the previous variants. Yet, the severity and presence can be affected by the status of vaccination, age, and various other health conditions. Currently, there are no different symptoms to suggest that it is an Omicron virus infection.

Precautions Against the Omicron Variant

Here is a rundown of the precautionary measures that we all should follow with fail:
  • Wear a mask that completely covers the nose and mouth. When you remove the mask, ensure that the hands are clean
  • Keep a physical distance while talking to anyone
  • Avoid visiting crowded areas or poorly ventilated space
  • Wash your hand at regular intervals and use an alcohol-based sanitizer
  • Complete both the doses of vaccination

The Bottom Line

Remember our defense in times of pandemic remains the same. Be aware of the surroundings and what's happening around you. Ensure that you have a health insurance policy in place and you are sufficiently covered. Read trusted information and do not believe in false information or get influenced through word of mouth. We are in this together. This too shall pass…

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