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Dec 6, 2022

Winter Care Tips for Your Pet Dog

Winter is here and there is always so much to prepare when it comes to this season. Just like we are impacted by the cold weather likewise our pets are too. The weather conditions may differ from region to region. In some parts of India, the weather may be moderate and somewhere it could get extreme too. Your pet dog may like to frolic outside and even cuddle up against you; however, as the temperature drops, the pet needs that extra care and warmth.

Handy Tips to Take Care of Your Pet Dog in Winter Season

If you are a pet parent, it is your responsibility to think about the comfort of your pet in the cold months. Here’s a list of things that you could do for them:
  1. Limit the Outdoor Time for Them: Just like humans, animals too feel cold. So, if you have a pet at home it's important to safeguard them or else they would catch a cold when exposed to the chill. The paws, ears, and tails are all susceptible to frostbite depending upon the region as the temperature varies. Take the dog out for walks and play but as the temperature drop, don’t leave them outdoors.
  2. Wrap Your Pet in Woolen: Cover your furry friends with a warm piece of cloth. Keep them cozy and warm while you take them out for a walk or a run. If you have a kennel for the dog, cover the door of it with a shawl and leave a little space exposed that allows it to breathe.
  3. Don’t Shave the Fur: Dogs are blessed with thick fur, which naturally keeps them warm. So, avoid shaving it off completely in winter. Besides, never take your pet dog out for a walk right after bathing it. Depending on the region's temperature, bathe them with lukewarm or warm water. Let them dry off indoors and do not let them step out with the wet coat. Also, remember their natural coat will not prevent frostbite on the feet, tail, or ears. Hence, do not keep your dog out in the freezing temperature for too long.
  4. A Warm Bedding: Never let your dog sleep on the floor, especially during the winter season. Prolonged contact with the cold floor may lead to falling sick. Choosing the right bedding is important to ensure that your pet dog stays warm. There are various mattresses for pets available in the market. Buy one for your four-legged friend and enjoy watching them snuggling on it. You may also place the mattress in a warm spot preferably a carpet area.
  5. Keep Them Away from the Room Heater: If you have a dog that moves around frequently in the house, do away with the heating source such as room heaters, etc. Dogs often seek heat during a cold season by snuggling close to any of the heating sources. There are chances that the pet dog may get close to any radiator object and get a burn. Avoid space heaters and have a pet-proof system to keep your pet away from any harm.
  6. Keep Them Hydrated: Just like humans, animals too are thirstier in the winter season. Keep a check as the water in their drinking bowl may get colder and they may not drink water from it. So, it is suggested to replace the old water with room-temperature water each 2-3 hours.
  7. Do Not Overfeed: The pet needs an extra layer in the winter season, ensure that it comes from a warm coat and not a layer of fat. Increase the pet's supply of food, give high-quality food, but do not overfeed. Cold temperatures may bring on lazy behavior. So, be mindful of your pet’s activity and accordingly adjust the diet.
  8. Don’t Miss the Health Checkup: Your pet may be prone to arthritis and have a tough time in the cold weather. So, pay a little more attention to their daily routine and exercises. It’s better to consult the veterinary and have in place the medications or health supplements if required.
  9. Paw care is Imperative: Just like humans, dogs too develop cracked pads. Ensure that you trim the hair of your furry friend to prevent ice buildup between the pads. Trimming is important for overall hygiene. After walks around the neighborhood or park either rinse or wipe the paws to remove any water salt. Also, prevent flaky or dry skin by applying coconut oil on the skin of the pet. If the pet’s ears or tail appear dry, you may consider applying oil as needed.

The Bottom Line

Just like us, dogs too are susceptible to various illnesses during the winter season. Ensure to keep your pets secure throughout the year with our pet dog insurance policy. Keep these handy winter tips in mind for your pet and enjoy the breezy season. Do not forget to give winter cuddles to your pet dog as this is an ideal way to keep them warm. Happy Winter!   *Standard T&C apply Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms and conditions, please read sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.  

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