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How to Get the Ideal Bike Insurance Cover?
Jul 21, 2020

Avail the Ideal Two Wheeler Insurance Cover in 4 Steps

Becoming a proud owner of your first motorcycle is an amazing experience. As you must be aware, motorcycle insurance is compulsory as per the regulatory guidelines. A big question is how to get the best insurance coverage for your dream bike.

Steps to avail of the ideal two-wheeler insurance

  1. Know About the Insurance Options Before You Buy a Bike

Certain types of bikes such as high-performance sports or rebuilt motorcycles need higher maintenance that makes it tough to procure insurance. Most insurers may not insure such bikes and the ones that do often charge a very high premium.

Often, most people first purchase their bike and then look for the best two wheeler insurance cover at an inexpensive rate. To avoid any complications and disappointment, it is recommended you first figure out the available insurance options and then make your purchase decision.

You must take the time to research and inquire about different policies from various insurers and compare the quotes to make an informed decision. Do not make a hasty decision and get an idea about the prevalent premiums. Therefore, before investing in the bike, know your exact needs.

  1. Choose the Optimal Cover

If you are unfortunate, then you may face roads which are in extremely poor conditions and therefore, it is recommended to avail of complete coverage for your bike along with the basic third-party cover. Even if you are a skilled rider, you cannot anticipate the driving skills of other people.

Third-party insurance covers bodily injuries and damages caused to third-party property in case your bike is involved in an accident. In comparison, a comprehensive policy covers third-party liability along with damage to the bike arising due to an accident or manmade and natural calamities.

Additionally, your insurer perceives you as low risk. This helps in availing the lowest bike insurance premiums without compromising on your coverage.

  1. Get Add-ons for Extra Cover

In addition to the basic coverage, you may require some add-on features as well. Add-ons like zero depreciation offer wider coverage and ensure you do not have to bear any loss due to depreciation in case of a claim.

If you are a new rider or if your bike is not older than five years, it is recommended you avail of additional coverage through extra features even if it means paying a slightly higher premium.

  1. Be Aware of the Terms Involved and Factors That Affect Your Premium

Several factors affect the premium payable on two wheeler insurance. Moreover, the policy documents have several terms and conditions and knowing these is crucial.

  1. You need to determine the coverage you require because it depends on your location and the model of your bike. This will also help you determine if you require additional features with the basic coverage as you conduct a two wheeler insurance review.
  2. Every motorcycle insurance policy includes a compulsory deductible, which is the amount you need to pay before the claim is settled by the insurer. Additionally, you may opt for the voluntary deductible on the Insured Declared Value (IDV) that reduces the premium. However, you will have to pay both these amounts before your claim is processed.
  3. You must check if custom parts, safety apparel and accessories are covered. Moreover, you may also consider including personal accident cover for the pillion riders. Some insurers offer free roadside assistance and you must check the efficiency of their services before you make a decision.
  4. Optimising you policy according to these tips will help you get the best bike insurance low price deals.

Claim procedure

The entire procedure to file an insurance claim is quick and simple. You must register the claim and then send your bike for repairs. Next, you must submit the necessary documents. Finally, the insurer processes your claim and is settled.

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