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Compare Comprehensive Car Insurance
Nov 2, 2020

4 Tips to Compare Comprehensive Car Insurance Plans

You cannot possibly predict accidents or any other unfortunate event for that matter. However, you can always take precautions and ensure your safety. For instance, if you own a car, make sure you have it insured. Not only because it is mandatory, but to financially protect your prized asset from damages. Therefore, it is best to purchase a comprehensive car insurance policy that provides coverage not only for own damage, but also third-party liability. Before buying a comprehensive car insurance, compare the following factors:
  1. Insurance Company
Several insurers might offer the coverage you desire. However, not every provider offers great service. Therefore, never take any decision in a hurry. Take your time and compare the insurance companies you’re planning to buy the policy from. Go onto their website as well as social media handles to check what other people have to say about them. Another important aspect to consider would be the insurer’s claims process as well as its claim settlement ratio. The process for the same must not be tedious. Study these aspects in detail and compare them before choosing a comprehensive car insurance policy.
  1. Risk Exposure
You should purchase a car insurance policy after considering the risks that you’re likely to be exposed to. Sit and analyze the number of times you take your car out on risky roads or long drives. Your parking space, the passengers who would accompany as well as how much you use your car are some of the things to consider to opt for a suitable car insurance cover.
  1. Deductible
In the process of purchasing a car insurance policy, you will definitely come across the term ‘deductible’. It is a specific portion of the claim payout that is borne by you. You will find two types of deductibles, compulsory and voluntary. The compulsory deductible is a fixed amount, whereas voluntary deductible or voluntary excess can be adjusted according to your wish. However, your comprehensive car insurance quotes will go down based on the percentage of your contribution. Before you increase the voluntary excess, you need to be aware of the fact that you would receive a lesser payout during a claim as you are bearing some of the cost.
  1. Compare additional covers
Additional (add-on) covers are optional and help strengthen your existing comprehensive policy. Once you understand the risks you are exposed to, it will become easier for you to compare car insurance add-ons and select appropriate covers. If you live in a flood-prone area, there are chances that your engine will get damaged. Hence, a suitable add-on cover for you would be the ‘Engine Protector’. You can also go for the 24x7 Roadside Assistance add-on cover if you’re someone who goes out on long drives or road trips often. If you’re someone who often misplaces their car keys or loses them, you can go for the Lock & Key Replacement cover. Apart from these, there are add-on covers such as Accident Shield, Consumables Expenses, and Zero Depreciation. Opt for those add-ons that best suits your needs. Final Word When you finally go to make purchase your car insurance policy, make sure that you do it online rather than the traditional (offline) way. Purchasing a car insurance policy online is not only inexpensive but also convenient. Keep the above-mentioned facts in mind and consider purchasing comprehensive car insurance by simply visiting your preferred insurance company’s website. Fill in the necessary details, make the payment online, and your insurance policy is ready.

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