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Highway Hypnosis
Mar 21, 2024

Highway Hypnosis: How Monotony Affects the Brain

Long drives are generally considered to be fun and interesting. But there may be instances where find yourself driving down a long stretch of highway, only to realize you can't remember the last few kilometres. Such instances are often confusing and might make you wonder as to what happened during the last half-hour. This phenomenon, known as highway hypnosis, is a state of drowsy, detached, or trance-like behaviour, that can occur during prolonged periods of highway driving. It's a dangerous condition that puts both the driver and other road users at risk. Let’s explore what highway hypnosis is, why it happens, and most importantly, how you can deal with it to stay safe on the road.

Understanding Highway Hypnosis

Also referred to as "white line fever" or "road hypnosis," highway hypnosis is a mental state in which a person can drive a long distance with little or no conscious awareness of their actions. It typically occurs on monotonous, straight highways, where there are minimal visual or cognitive stimuli to engage the driver's attention. As a result, the driver's mind can wander, leading to a state of automatic driving. Highway hypnosis has led to the rise of road accidents, especially on highways where a person may drive their car at high speeds without them realising about it. Before planning a long-drive that requires you to be behind the wheel for longer periods, take steps to ensure you are well-rested, your car is serviced, and your car insurance policy is up-to-date to avail services such as emergency roadside assistance.*

Why Does It Happen?

Several factors contribute to the onset of highway hypnosis:

Monotonous Environment

Driving on a highway with little variation in scenery can lull drivers into a hypnotic state.


Long hours of driving, especially during nighttime or early morning hours when the body’s natural circadian rhythms promote drowsiness, increase the likelihood of highway hypnosis.

Repetitive Motion

The rhythmic movement of the vehicle, combined with the steady passing of road markings, can induce a trance-like state.

Mind Wandering

When drivers become mentally preoccupied or bored, they’re more susceptible to highway hypnosis.

Dealing with Highway Hypnosis

Fortunately, there are several strategies you can employ to prevent and manage highway hypnosis:

Take Regular Breaks

Break up long drives by stopping every couple of hours, to stretch your legs, get some fresh air, and refocus your mind. Use rest areas or designated stops along the highway for quick breaks.

Stay Alert

Be mindful of your surroundings and actively engage with the driving task. Use techniques like scanning the road, adjusting your seating position, and changing your grip on the steering wheel, to stay alert.

Use Stimuli

Combat monotony by listening to upbeat music, podcasts, or audiobooks. Engaging your brain with stimulating content can help prevent your mind from wandering.

Stay Hydrated and Well-Rested

Dehydration and fatigue can exacerbate highway hypnosis. Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly and ensure you're well-rested before embarking on a long drive.

Avoid Driving During Peak Sleepiness Hours

If possible, avoid driving during times when you're naturally more prone to drowsiness, such as late at night or early in the morning. If driving during these hours is unavoidable, take extra precautions and consider taking short naps if needed. Driving your car for a long distance while feeling drowsy does not just put you at risk, but those around you as well. Your motor insurance policy may cover the cost of damage or liabilities that arise from an accident caused due to drowsiness, but it is better to avoid hitting the road in such conditions unless absolutely required. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under motor insurance policy.*

Drive with a Companion

Having a passenger to engage in conversation with can help keep your mind active and alert during long drives. Additionally, they can help monitor your condition and intervene if they notice signs of highway hypnosis. If you let your companion drive the car for a brief period while you get some rest, do check if the companion has a valid driver’s license or not. If any accident were to be caused by your car and the companion does not have a valid license, complications may arise during the claim process. Please check other inclusions and exclusions when you renew car insurance.*

Practice Mindfulness

Stay focused on the present moment and the task of driving. Avoid letting your mind wander to unrelated thoughts or worries. Techniques like deep breathing and mindfulness meditation can help keep you centred and alert.


Highway hypnosis is a real and potentially dangerous phenomenon that can affect any driver, especially during long periods of monotonous highway driving. By understanding the causes and implementing proactive strategies to combat it, you can stay safe on the road and reduce the risk of accidents associated with highway hypnosis. Another way of ensuring your safety along with that of your loved ones and those around by is purchasing an insurance policy for your vehicle. With the help of car insurance calculator , you can check different quotes and select a policy of your liking.   *Standard T&C Apply Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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