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Car Emergency Kit
Dec 1, 2023

6 Items You Should Have In Your Car Emergency Kit

If you have a car, then it is likely that you go on long car rides. Driving away on the roads with your loved one or even by yourself can be very liberating. However, you never know when you will encounter a car emergency. Your car may break down in the middle of nowhere, isolating you and your loved ones from any nearby assistance. If you have a car insurance plan with roadside assistance coverage, you can reach out to your insurance provider.* You can also reach out to your friends and family and ask them to send help. However, even with this assistance, it is advisable to always have a car emergency kit with you when you are driving. If you are wondering how to compile a car emergency kit, here is a guide on 6 essential items you must have in it.

6 Must-Haves in Your Car Emergency Kit

While your car emergency kit can differ based on where you live and the kind of car you have, these are the 6 essential items you must not miss:

1. First-aid box

The worst kind of emergency can be a medical one. If you or your loved ones get stuck somewhere due to a car breakdown, having access to urgent medical supplies is important. You can put basic, yet crucial items, such as antiseptic cream, aspirin, band-aids, gauze, pain relieving sprays, and so on, into the first-aid box for the car. If you are with someone who needs to take medications regularly, make sure that a strip of their medicine is in the box as well.

2. Jack and wrench 

Car breakdowns can often happen because of flat tyres. Even if that is not the case, you can get underneath the car to check if there are any specific issues you can fix. To be able to fix a spare tyre and to be able to lift the car, you will need a jack and wrench. A jack can help you lift the car and keep it in such a position that you can get under it. A wrench can help you remove tight bolts, such as in the case of a flat tyre. These two tools are essential components of any car emergency kit.

3. Spare Tyre 

As mentioned in the previous point, a flat tyre is a common reason for car breakdowns. While tools such as a jack and wrench can help you remove the problematic tyre, the operation will not be a successful one if you do not have a spare tyre to replace it. Often, spare tyres lying around can lose air pressure. Hence, not only should you ensure a spare tyre in your car but also make sure that it is in good condition.

4. Torch and a power bank

A torch can be immensely useful if you are stuck somewhere in the dark. It can provide a source of light which can help you fix your car, even if the car’s headlights are not working. A power bank can ensure that your electronic items, such as a mobile phone or laptop, have charge. In case the phone’s battery dies out during a car emergency, it can be difficult for you to contact other people or vice versa. Having a power bank can help you avoid this.

5. Water and non-perishable food items

Dealing with an emergency can become more frustrating if you have not had water or eaten food for a long time. Hence, in preparation for such a situation, your car first-aid kit should have an unopened bottle of water and some non-perishable food items. Some useful food items to keep in the kit include energy bars, biscuits, packed wafers, packed dried fruits and nuts, and so on.

6. List of important contact details 

Your car emergency kit should have a list of important contact details on paper, kept in a secure location in the car. In an emergency, you may lose your phone, or the internet connection may not work in that location. The list of contact details can help here. It must have details of your friends and family as well as contact details related to your car insurance plan, such as your insurance representative’s number. Being prepared for an emergency can make it easier to deal with when it comes. Buying a car insurance plan can also be an important step in this direction. You can opt for the legally mandatory third party car insurance to receive support in case you incur third-party liabilities. And if you are looking for higher protection, a comprehensive plan can be a better option as well. It can provide financial support against a wide variety of risks and dangers. * Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under car insurance policy. Reach out to your agent or browse through our website to learn more about car insurance. * Standard T&C apply. Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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