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Advantages of Zero Depreciation Cover in Comprehensive Insurance
Oct 28, 2023

Why Is It Advisable To Purchase Zero Depreciation Cover With Comprehensive Insurance?

With growing number of vehicles on Indian roads, there is a rise in the number of road accidents taking place. Considering the price of cars in today’s world, purchasing one is a major investment. It is important to safeguard this investment with proper financial coverage. Motor insurance is a crucial investment for vehicle owners, providing financial protection against unforeseen events and damages. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under motor insurance policy. When choosing an insurance policy for your car, one aspect that deserves careful consideration is the inclusion of zero depreciation cover (zero dep cover). In this article, we will explore the importance of zero depreciation cover in vehicle insurance and how it helps preserve the value of your vehicle.

Understanding Depreciation

Depreciation is the natural decrease in the value of a vehicle over time due to wear and tear, aging, and market factors. In the event of an accident or damage, the insurance company typically factors in depreciation while settling claims. As a result, the insured receives only a partial reimbursement, with the remaining amount being deducted as depreciation. This can significantly impact the overall claim payout and the vehicle's value. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under motor insurance policy.

Zero Depreciation Cover Explained

Zero depreciation cover, also known as a depreciation waiver, is an add-on or rider policyholders can opt for in their motor insurance policy. With zero depreciation cover, the insurance company waives off the depreciation factor during claim settlements. This means that in case of an accident or damage, the insured is entitled to receive the full claim amount subject to policy deductibles. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under motor insurance policy.

Benefits Of Zero Depreciation Cover

Let us understand the benefits of zero dep insurance:

- Preservation of Vehicle Value

Zero depreciation cover is particularly valuable for new vehicles or those with a higher market value. Since depreciation is not considered during claim settlements, policyholders can maintain the original value of their vehicle. This ensures that in the event of repairs or replacements, the insurance payout covers the full cost, allowing for the restoration of the vehicle to its original condition. Preserving the value of your vehicle is essential for resale purposes or to retain its overall worth.*

- Cost-Effectiveness in the Long Run

Although opting for zero depreciation cover may lead to slightly higher premiums, it proves to be cost-effective in the long run. The absence of deductions due to depreciation during claim settlements may let you receive a higher reimbursement amount. In the case of multiple claims, the savings due to zero depreciation cover can surpass the additional premium paid. Moreover, you may get better financial protection against the rising costs of spare parts and repair expenses.*

- Peace of Mind and Convenience

Zero depreciation cover offers policyholders peace of mind and convenience. With the knowledge that their insurance will cover the cost of repairs or replacements, they can drive with confidence and worry less about potential financial burdens. Additionally, zero depreciation cover simplifies the claim settlement process, as there is no need to negotiate or haggle over depreciation deductions. It streamlines the process and ensures a smoother and hassle-free experience for the policyholder.* Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under motor insurance policy.

Factors You Need To Consider

While zero depreciation cover in your car insurance policy offers numerous benefits, it is important to consider certain limitations. It is typically available only for new vehicles up to a certain age, usually up to three to five years. After this period, insurers may discontinue the zero depreciation cover, and the policy reverts to a standard depreciation-based claim settlement process. Additionally, policyholders should review the terms and conditions of the zero depreciation cover, including any deductibles or restrictions, to fully understand its scope and benefits. You should also note that zero depreciation cover is available only with a comprehensive insurance policy or a standalone own-damage plan. It is not provided with other types of motor insurance policy. So, if you opt for own-damage or third-party insurance, depreciation of your car’s value will be considered at the time of claim settlement. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under motor insurance policy.


With the zero dep insurance meaning and its benefits being cleared above, you may be now of the opinion that zero depreciation cover plays a vital role in preserving the value of your vehicle and providing comprehensive financial protection. It ensures that you receive the full claim amount without any deduction for depreciation, allowing for the restoration of your vehicle to its original condition. Claims are subject to terms and conditions set forth under motor insurance policy. The cost-effectiveness, peace of mind, and convenience offered by zero depreciation cover make it an essential add-on in motor insurance policies, particularly for new vehicles or those with a higher market value. So, when selecting your vehicle insurance policy, consider the importance of zero depreciation cover and make an informed decision to safeguard the value of car. You can see what your policy would cost with the inclusion of this add-on by accessing four-wheeler premium insurance calculator online.   *Standard T&C apply Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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