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Annual Single Trip vs. Multi-Trip Travel Insurance: Which One is Better?
Aug 19, 2024

Annual Single Trip & Multi-Trip Travel Insurance: Is It Right For You?

Travel insurance plans are broadly divided into two types – single-trip travel insurance and multi-trip travel insurance. Of these, multi-trip travel plans are the kinds that are useful if you are going to take several trips over the next few months and would like a single insurance plan to cover them all. Commonly, multi-trip insurance is offered for the duration of a year. Hence, it may also be known as annual travel insurance. While the policy is in force, each trip you take is covered from start to finish, or for a period of 180 days, whichever is earlier. Does this sound like the plan you should get? If you are thinking about annual travel policies, here is a look at their benefits and how suitable you may find them.

What is an Annual Trip Travel Insurance Policy?

An Annual Trip Travel Insurance Policy is designed for frequent travellers who take multiple trips within a year. Unlike single-trip insurance, which covers a single journey, annual travel insurance provides continuous coverage for various trips throughout the year. This type of policy offers convenience and cost-efficiency by eliminating the need to purchase separate insurance for each trip. It typically covers multiple aspects of travel, such as medical emergencies, loss of belongings, and trip cancellations, providing comprehensive protection for frequent travellers.

What is an Annual Multi-Trip Travel Insurance Policy?

An Annual Multi-Trip Travel Insurance Policy, commonly known as multi-trip or annual travel insurance, is a kind of insurance policy designed for those who are frequent travellers and take multiple trips in a year. Unlike single-trip insurance, covering just one specific trip, this insurance policy provides coverage for several trips during that year, which is usually for one year. With such a policy, there is a layer of convenience and cost-efficiency, which often eliminates the need to purchase separate insurance for all the other trips, happening in one year. With an annual multi-trip policy, there is a chance for travellers to enjoy comprehensive coverage covering various aspects of their travels, which usually covers belongings loss, medical needs, and any mishap that happened during that trip.

What is a Single Trip Insurance Policy?

A single-trip insurance policy is a policy which provides you with coverage for a single trip, whether it's domestic or international. However, the multi-trip policy covers the coverage for multiple trips, which one takes in the given duration, mostly one year. These policies offer comprehensive protection against various travel-related risks, also including factors like cancellations, flight delays, loss of baggage or passport, medical emergencies, and more. They ensure that travellers can enjoy peace of mind during their trip, with the assurance of financial coverage.

What does annual travel insurance cover?

Annual travel insurance offers extensive coverage for multiple trips taken within a year. Key coverages include medical emergencies, baggage or personal belongings loss, trip cancellations or delays, and emergency medical evacuations. It also provides financial protection against theft or burglary of personal items while travelling. Additionally, the policy may cover missed flights and rescheduled trips due to unforeseen circumstances, ensuring travellers' peace of mind. This comprehensive coverage makes annual multi-trip travel insurance a valuable option for those who travel frequently.

How does annual travel insurance work?

Annual multi-trip travel insurance provides continuous coverage for multiple trips within a specified period, typically one year. Once the policy is purchased, it remains active for all trips taken during that year, up to a maximum duration per trip as specified by the insurer (often 180 days). For some policies, this maximum duration may be annual multi-trip travel insurance 60 days. Travellers do not need to buy separate insurance for each trip, saving time and money. The policy covers various travel-related risks, offering financial protection and assistance for unforeseen events during any journey within the policy period.

Multi-Trip Travel Insurance Benefits

Multi-trip travel insurance plans may share a number of their features with single-trip plans. However, they may offer some benefits over single-trip policies. If you are considering multi-trip travel insurance options over their counterparts, here is a look at some of the benefits they have to offer.


A single-trip cover is offered based only on the single trip that is being taken. On the other hand, a multi-trip plan allows you to get cover for as many trips as possible within a year. Here, the duration is key, i.e., the plan is usually offered for the duration of a year. Thus, if you are taking more trips during the year, this plan may help you save some money as compared to buying a single trip plan for each trip.

Saves Time

When you have a multi-trip plan, you are not required to buy an international travel insurance policy every time you are about to fly out of the country. This eliminates one thing from your travel preparation checklist per trip. You can rest assured that, for the year, you have coverage and will not need to buy one.

Prepares you for Unforeseen Events

Most people probably have their international vacations planned well in advance, or at least have a fair idea of the details. However, the year could have more surprises in store for you. For example, in addition to your two planned vacations, you may be required to take a work trip. Or you may be required to visit your partner or sibling abroad. A multi-trip travel insurance plan may help you stay prepared for such situations.

Extensive coverage

Having multi-trip travel insurance offers coverage for more than medical emergencies abroad. It may offer coverage for loss of belongings, flight delays and cancellations, emergency medical evacuation, and such. *

Is annual travel insurance worth it?

Annual multi-trip travel insurance is worth considering for frequent travellers. It offers cost-efficiency by covering multiple trips under a single policy, potentially saving money compared to buying separate single-trip policies. The convenience of not having to purchase insurance for each trip simplifies travel planning. With comprehensive coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations, and lost belongings, annual travel insurance provides peace of mind and financial protection throughout the year. This policy is a practical and valuable investment for those who travel often.

Difference between a Single Trip and Annual Multi-Trip Insurance Policy

Aspect Single Trip Insurance Annual Multi-Trip Insurance
Coverage Duration Covers a single trip for a specific duration. Covers multiple trips within a year (usually).
Cost Efficiency Generally more expensive per trip. Cost-efficient if taking multiple trips.
Convenience Requires purchasing for each trip separately. Covers multiple trips with one policy.
Suitability Ideal for infrequent travellers or one-off trips. Suitable for frequent travellers or  those with multiple trips planned.
Preparation for Unforeseen Events Offers coverage for one trip at a time. Provides continuous coverage for  multiple trips, offering protection  for unforeseen events throughout the year.

What does the policy cover?

When considering travel insurance, whether it's a single-trip or multi-trip plan, you should have an understanding of the brief coverage of the policy, ensuring details, which will help you to make informed decisions.

Single-Trip Travel Insurance Coverage:

Single-trip travel insurance is designed to cover a specific journey, which gives you protection from unforeseen events which can be a major issue in your trip, with high cost.

Missed Flight and Trip Cancellation Cover:

Such policy provides last-minute changes in your flight cancellations, re-schedules or unexpected trip cancellations caused amid unexpected situations.

Loss of Baggage or Passport:

Reimbursement for lost or misplaced baggage at airports and necessary assistance for travel documentation like passports or others.

Medical Cover and Emergency Evacuation:

Coverage for medical expenses incurred during travel, including hospitalisation and emergency evacuation in case of serious illness or injury.

Theft or Burglary Protection:

Financial protection against theft or burglary of personal belongings while travelling.

Additional Inclusions:

Assistance for delayed or lost check-in baggage, as well as support for changes in travel itinerary due to unforeseen circumstances. *as per policy terms and conditions

Multi-Trip Travel Insurance Coverage:

Multi-trip travel insurance, also known as annual travel insurance, extends coverage over multiple journeys within a specified period, usually one year. Its coverage includes:

Missed Flight and Trip Cancellation Cover:

Compensation for last-minute changes in flight schedules or unexpected trip cancellations due to illness or other emergencies.

Loss of Baggage or Passport:

Reimbursement for lost or misplaced baggage at airports and assistance in obtaining replacement travel documents, such as passports.

Medical Cover and Emergency Evacuation:

Coverage for medical expenses incurred during travel, including hospitalisation and emergency evacuation in case of serious illness or injury.

Theft or Burglary Protection:

Financial protection against theft or burglary of personal belongings while travelling.

Comprehensive Protection:

Extensive coverage beyond medical emergencies, including loss of belongings, flight disruptions, and emergency medical evacuation. *as per policy terms and conditions

What does the policy not cover?

Understanding what a travel insurance policy does not cover is crucial for making an informed decision. For both single-trip and annual multi-trip policies, common exclusions include:

Single Trip Insurance Exclusions:

While single-trip travel insurance offers comprehensive coverage, there are certain exclusions to be aware of. These may include:

Adventure Activities:

Some policies may exclude coverage for injuries sustained during adventure sports or activities deemed high-risk.

Accidents Due to Illegal Drugs:

Injuries or incidents resulting from the use of illegal drugs may not be covered under the policy.

Other Exclusions:

Depending on the policy terms, exclusions may vary, so it's essential to review the policy documents carefully.

Multi-Trip Insurance Exclusions:

Similarly, multi-trip travel insurance also comes with its set of exclusions, such as:

Standard Exclusions:

Certain events or circumstances may not be covered under the policy, as specified in the terms and conditions.

Policy Limits:

Coverage may be subject to limits or caps, especially regarding trip duration or specific benefits.

Pre-Existing Conditions:

Some policies may exclude coverage for pre-existing medical conditions, so travellers with such conditions should review the policy terms carefully.

Is Multi-Trip Insurance for you?

Multi-trip travel insurance from India is deemed to be cost-effective. However, that does not mean that it is the better option even if you are only taking a single trip in the following year. If you find yourself identifying with the following categories, you may like to consider annual travel insurance plans:

If you have more than one trip planned during the next year:

Suppose you are planning to have one of the most eventful years, one where travelling features heavily. You have planned a year ahead where within the next 12 months, you have booked three international trips. In this case, it may be ideal for you to consider multi-trip travel insurance and choose the right plan for yourself.

If you are an impulsive traveller:

Does “pack your bags and jet-set-go” sound like the life you live? If so, you may want to put a small part of your travel budget into an annual travel insurance plan. Even if it feels like a small amount when you are buying the policy, it may prove beneficial in the year to come.

If you travel often for work or business:

Travelling for business is fraught with no lesser risks than travelling for leisure. If you are in a line of work that takes you places, literally, multi-trip travel insurance may be the right partner for you. This is especially so if you do not have an employer who is offering you travel insurance for every trip you take.

If you have more-than-usual vacation days/benefits:

If you are expecting a year where you are going to have several opportunities to take time off from work, and want to use it to travel, this type of policy is to be considered. Moreover, if you have multiple vacation benefits left to be utilised in the next few months, you may consider this. If you identify with these categories, multi-trip travel insurance may be right for you, especially for the year to come. However, if you are still not sure, you can compare multi-trip plans with single-trip ones, especially in terms of costs, features, and benefits.


Is annual multi-trip insurance worth it?

Annual multi-trip insurance is worth considering if you travel frequently throughout the year. With this type of policy, you're covered for multiple journeys within a specified duration, which can be cost-effective and convenient, especially for frequent travellers.

What does multi-trip mean in travel insurance?

Multi-trip travel insurance, also known as annual travel insurance, provides coverage for multiple journeys within a specified period, typically one year. Instead of purchasing separate insurance for each trip, this policy offers continuous coverage for all travel during the policy period, making it convenient for frequent travellers.

What are the benefits of taking out travel insurance?

Travel insurance offers various benefits, including coverage for unforeseen events such as flight cancellations, loss of baggage, medical emergencies, and trip interruptions. It provides financial protection against unexpected expenses, ensuring peace of mind while travelling.

What happens if you have multiple travel insurance policies?

Having multiple travel insurance policies can lead to complications during claims processing. Insurance companies may dispute responsibility, causing delays or even denials in reimbursement. Additionally, overlapping coverage may result in unnecessary expenses. It's advisable to carefully review policies and avoid overlapping coverage to prevent such issues.

How much does an annual travel insurance plan cost? 

The cost of an annual travel insurance plan varies based on factors such as the traveller's age, destination, and coverage options. On average, it can range from £200 to £600 per year.

Can you cancel your annual travel insurance? 

Yes, annual travel insurance can usually be cancelled. However, cancellation policies vary by insurer, and fees or restrictions may exist. It's essential to review the policy's terms and conditions.

What is the difference between a single trip and an annual multi-trip? 

A single-trip insurance policy covers one specific trip, while an annual multi-trip policy covers multiple trips within a year. The latter offers continuous coverage and is more cost-effective for frequent travellers.   *Standard T&C Apply Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale. Disclaimer: The content on this page is generic and shared only for informational and explanatory purposes. It is based on several secondary sources on the internet and is subject to changes. Please consult an expert before making any related decisions.

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