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Travel Insurance: Protect Your Trip!
Mar 5, 2023

Top 3 Reasons to Get Travel Insurance: Protect Your International Vacation

Be it your life, your health, or your belongings, everything can be covered with insurance. It allows you peace of mind and offers a sense of financial security. These are things that are more permanent in our lives, and thus, we are more likely to think of insuring them. However, some people tend to overlook the fact that you can also get offline or online travel insurance to secure your trips. One may give quite a bit of thought to travel planning, especially for international travel, be it for work or leisure. However, this planning can prove to be incomplete without international travel insurance. Let’s look at what travel insurance is, and three reasons why you should consider getting travel insurance to ensure safer international travel.

What is Travel Insurance?

Like all insurance plans, travel insurance is a contract between the insurance provider and the policyholder. One of the most noticeable differences between other types of insurance plans, such as motor insurance or health insurance, is the duration of these policies. Buying travel insurance from India means that you are covered on various fronts for the duration of your trip. So, travel insurance can be understood as a policy that covers you as well as your belongings for the duration of your trip. But what does travel insurance cover? For starters, it offers flight insurance, which can help in case of flight delay or cancellation. It can help you deal with the costs of loss of passport or baggage. Furthermore, it can also offer you personal accident cover. Thus, if you were to encounter a mishap during your travels and need medical attention, the policy may help with those costs.

3 Reasons Why You Should Buy Travel Insurance

There are multiple reasons why you should buy travel insurance. It may be the apt thing to do if you want to ensure an added layer of security for your trip and want to travel stress-free. Here are three fundamental reasons why, if you are travelling abroad, should you not fly without travel insurance.

1. Cost-effectiveness

When buying any sort of insurance, a lot of people worry about the costs. However, the cost of insurance is often much lower than the cost incurred due to an event that it covers. Travel, for whatever reason it may be undertaken, can prove to be a costly affair. It requires meticulous budget planning. But all this planning can be laid to waste due to one unforeseen circumstance or emergency. Hence, getting offline or online travel insurance can prove to be quite helpful. If you are worried about the costs of travel insurance, know that a policy for your travel can cost between 4% to 12% of your travel costs. For this amount, it can provide coverage for a variety of possibilities, such as loss of baggage, accident, medical emergency, and more.

2. Financial security

Travelling internationally can be full of risks. There can be a number of things that could go wrong. For example, you may be exploring a remote location and meet with a small accident. You may not have access to regular transport and may require to be medically evacuated so as to not aggravate your condition. When such is the case, you may find the additional worry of expenses too much to bear. In such cases, having a travel insurance plan can be of aid. It can help you cover the cost of all necessary measures. To ensure that you have a clear idea of what your policy offers, ensure that you have gone through the inclusions and exclusions of the policy and read the policy documents carefully.

3. Guidance for navigating difficult situations

When you find yourself facing a grave situation in a foreign land, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed. But when you have travel insurance, it can be easier to navigate a tricky situation. For example, suppose you lose your passport when you are walking through the lanes of Paris. Once you realise this, you may panic a little and try to figure out what to do. However, when you have travel insurance, you can get in touch with your insurance provider and figure out what the next best step is for you. This will help you navigate difficult situations with ease.

4. Bonus: A mandatory requirement

If all these reasons are not convincing enough, here is a bonus fourth reason why you should consider travel insurance: It may be mandatory. About 56 countries in the world, including Schengen countries, require you to have travel insurance for your trip. Thus, it is ideal to get travel insurance for your trip, especially if travelling internationally. You can look for a travel insurance plan online or consult an insurance agent for the right plan. This will help you add an extra layer of security to your trip.   *Standard T&C apply Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms, and conditions, please read the sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale.

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