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Cancer Vs. Critical Illness Insurance: Key Differences
Sep 19, 2024

Why You Need Critical Illness and Disability Insurance

Unexpected events can drastically alter our lives. This is why having security of health and well-being in finances is very important. While primary health insurance policy covers medical expenses for illnesses and accidents, it might not provide comprehensive protection against critical illnesses or long-term disabilities. This is where critical illness and disability insurance come into play, offering protection that goes beyond traditional health coverage. In this blog we will discuss the reason why these types of insurance are indispensable in uncertain times.

Understanding Critical Illness Insurance

Critical illness insurance provides important financial protection against severe medical conditions, which often include such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and several other lifestyle-related illnesses. Typically offered as an add-on rider with term insurance plans, this coverage is a great way to have a reduction in your financial burden, when there is any critical health-related situation. Given the profound impact of critical diseases on essential bodily systems like the central nervous and respiratory systems, as well as the heart, having adequate insurance becomes imperative. Often, negligence and a lack of preventive health screenings are reasons behind extensive health issues, which need proper treatment. In such scenarios, critical illness insurance provides you with mental peace and makes sure that individuals can focus on recovery without any stress of finances.

Ways How Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company’s Critical Illness and Disability Insurance Can Help You

Critical illness and disability insurance are essential for safeguarding against unforeseen health challenges, providing financial security, and ensuring access to quality healthcare when it matters most. Investing in comprehensive coverage customised to specific needs offers added peace of mind, protecting individual families. Below are the reasons why you need Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company's critical illness and disability insurance:

Financial Protection Against Critical Illness

Critical illness insurance provides financial protection in the event of a serious illness such as cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular conditions, and more. Such illnesses can lead to substantial medical expenses, loss of income due to inability to work, and other financial burdens. Critical illness insurance provides a lump-sum payout upon diagnosis, helping cover medical bills, household expenses, and more.

Coverage for Women-Specific Critical Illnesses 

Women-specific critical illness insurance plans by Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company are tailored to address health issues that women may face, such as breast cancer, cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, and fallopian tube cancer. These plans offer specialised coverage and benefits designed to meet the unique healthcare needs of women.

Congenital Disability Benefit 

Bajaj Critical illness insurance plans provide a congenital disability benefit. This benefit offers financial support if a child is born with a congenital disease or disorder, helping parents manage the associated medical expenses and care requirements.

Loss of Job Cover 

Critical illness insurance can offer protection against the loss of employment due to a diagnosed critical illness. This benefit provides a financial cushion during a challenging time, helping policyholders and their families maintain their standard of living while focusing on recovery.

Children's Education Benefit 

The plan includes a children's education benefit. In the unfortunate event of a critical illness diagnosis, this benefit provides financial support for the education of the insured's children, ensuring that their educational needs are taken care of, even in challenging circumstances.

Tax Savings 

In addition to providing comprehensive coverage for critical illnesses, critical illness insurance by Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company also offers valuable tax benefits that can significantly enhance your financial planning. When you pay premiums for critical illness insurance, you can claim a tax deduction under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. These tax benefits not only reduce your taxable income but also encourage you to secure comprehensive coverage for your loved ones while effectively managing your tax liabilities.

Hassle-Free Claim Settlement 

Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company offers a hassle-free critical illness insurance policy, ensuring that policyholders receive prompt assistance and support during health insurance claim process submissions. A smooth claims experience reduces stress during difficult times and allows policyholders to just focus on their recovery without stress.

Lifetime Renewability 

The Critical illness insurance plan comes with the option of lifetime renewability, ensuring that individuals can continue their coverage into old age. This feature provides long-term security with the security that any critical condition will be handled better under the insurance. Critical illness and disability insurance are indispensable pillars of financial security and peace of mind. These insurance plans offer comprehensive coverage for various medical conditions, providing a better health care system. Whether it's safeguarding against unforeseen health challenges, addressing women-specific health issues, or ensuring the education of children, these health insurance benefits extend beyond mere financial protection. With benefits such as tax savings, hassle-free claim settlement, and lifetime renewability, investing in critical illness and disability insurance from Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Company is not just a prudent financial decision but also a proactive step toward securing a healthier and more stable future for ourselves and our loved ones.   **Standard T&C apply *Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation. For more details on benefits, exclusions, limitations, terms and conditions, please read sales brochure/policy wording carefully before concluding a sale. *Tax benefit is subject to change in tax laws. 

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