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Regular Travel Insurance and Student Travel Insurance
Sep 29, 2020

Top 3 Travel Insurance Policy Inclusions

Travelling gives you perspective and opens up your mind while also refreshing it. When you plan a trip, however, you have to think through a lot of things such as the places to explore, to binge, to stay, etc. But since you’re also considerably far from your hometown, any unforeseen events such as loss of baggage, theft, or health emergencies can impede your fun. Hence, one needs a reliable travel insurance coverage for financial security. Whether you’re travelling solo or even with your family, here are the top three travel insurance inclusions you need to look out for:
  1. Loss of baggage and passport
What if you have expensive items in your bag and it gets stolen? In such cases, a travel insurance with inclusions for lost baggage comes in handy. It helps cover the cost of your things stolen during travel. Even important documents that were in the stolen bag, such as passport, visa, etc., will also be covered under this plan.
  1. Trip cancellation
Situations might arise wherein you would have to cancel your much-awaited trip, an upsetting affair in itself. But where it gets even more depressing is when you have to pay for the trip without even getting to go there. Nobody wants to pay the cancellation charges. Hence, the best way to deal with this is to take up a travel cancellation insurance inclusion to save you from financial loss arising out of unforeseen circumstances.
  1. Medical treatment and hospitalization expenses
Another situation you would want to avoid on a trip would be a medical emergency, or worse, hospitalization. Also, the medical bills in a foreign country can cost considerably. You do not want to mess up your trip budget over medical expenditures. A medical insurance cover would be perfect in such situations and, thus, a must-have inclusion in your travel insurance plan. It will lessen your financial burden as well as stress. This cover compensates you for out-patient care, hospitalization, emergency medical treatment, accidental death, and medical evacuation. With this, you wouldn’t have to worry about getting hospitalized even in a foreign country. Buy travel insurance online Instead of following the traditional method of buying an insurance policy offline, you should try the modern way. Today, you have easy access to the internet. You can choose from a variety of insurance plans such as individual travel insurance, travel insurance for senior citizens , family travel insurance, and student travel insurance. Look at and compare as many options before selecting a policy that suits your needs. Why purchase online? Since this is a service you’re availing to serve you in your times of need, it behoves you to know what exactly you’re getting in exchange. When you purchase a travel insurance online , there are no intermediaries involved, which means you’re already saving a lot here. All you need to do is visit the insurance company’s website and purchase a policy for your travel needs. Moreover, you can even renew your existing policies online.  

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